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The First


According to Tdjaia'ucchan, she was a healer and a magician, who had lost many loved ones in tragic circumstances, and began to ask why the gods would allow such things.   The portraits owned by Ambrosius indicate that she was likely a halfling.  

Archive of the Anima

[...] Known titles: the Hag Queen, the Iconoclast. [...] in the Dominion of Shas’Latha. Selected for scholarship at the Tower of Autumn [...] implies that as a result, she questioned whether the A'asimon could be trusted [...] those who have been stricken from the Archive [...] that it was her who struck the first blow, though we have been unable to corroborate this [...] of fate, that all the good that she strove to do would inevitably be turned to evil, that her plans would ultimately not only fail, but actively worsen the situation; in short that all [...] at an unknown time, by methods likewise unknown. We presume that she remains bound, in the absence of any evidence to suggest otherwise.

The Call of the First

And the first spoke: “I seize divinity for the unlucky ones; that we might reweave destiny and cast the already-spinning die anew - let there be no misfortune nor inescapable fate within my domain. I claim Fortune, for I have beheld the Face of the King, and pledge myself thus to Victorious Night”


Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that her compassion turned to regret, and she was cursed in such a way that all the good that she tried to do would inevitably bring about greater evils in the longer term.   According to the "Naxoria Fragments" of the Fragment of Storms, the Hag Queen laid ten "blessings" at some point following her ascension:  
  1. My blessing upon Latha, that her kin shall never go hungry.
  2. My blessing upon the Bhuka, that they shall some day be freed of all that binds them.
  3. My blessing upon Rusthkotha, that all they have asked for shall be granted.
  4. My blessing upon Eku, that their mistakes shall be forgotten.
  5. My blessing upon Shas'Ellith, that they shall receive their just reward.
  6. My blessing upon Pardatheum, that they shall find all that they seek.
  7. My blessing upon Tchokayahattak, that their walls shall not yield to the force of arms.
  8. My blessing upon Kaliset, that they might walk with the gods.
  9. My blessing upon the Gnolls, that their sacrifices shall be not in vain.
  10. And my greatest blessing on any who would follow me, that they shall be so blessed in return.
  The precise meaning of these prophetic blessings is unclear, though likely sinister - it might be noted that whilst the walls of Tchokayahattak indeed never yielded to force of arms, the city was however obliterated from within by the weapon that Xochehuasti smuggled into it, creating the Desolation. On the assumption that the First Paragon was the goddess known as Anwet in Kaliset, one might also note the prophecy recorded in the Kaliset Apocrypha that would seem to make it clear that to be subject to these "blessings" was anything but positive:  
  1. And it was at that time that Anwet came from the eastern mountains, hobbling on a crooked stick, crying out that she sought shelter. But she bore the Mark of the Apostate, and to this end the guards refused to let her pass through the sacred gate, or set foot inside the City of the Sun, lest she defile the holy place with her evil.
  2. And being so refused, she snapped her stick and threw it to the ground, and biting her tongue she spat blood upon the gate, cursing it with these words:
  3. “All that you have offered me as welcome and hospitality, you shall be offered in turn
  4. All that you have been generous and merciful, so shall you be granted in turn
  5. I give you my blessing, O People of the Broken Sun, as I turn from you:
  6. I bind you all for your faithful indifference - that the last to pass the deadly-gates, of your city and some day of humanity, is born.
  7. My blessing upon you, that you may walk with your gods"

The War of the Paragons

  Tdjaia'ucchan claims that she did not participate in the War of the Paragons, but sequestered herself in the Web of the Wyrd.   Her throne is believed to have been in Shas'Latha.  


  Tdjaia'ucchan claims that she was never in fact bound, and was working with the Oathcircle in order to imprison the other Paragons.   The Fragment of Storms does imply that the Hag Queen was bound, though little detail is given:
    And it came to pass that she came to that place, and seeing the sorrow of the people she laughed, for her heart was filled only with spite.
    "For if there is neither beauty, nor hope, nor goodness in the world, then all the wickedness that we have wrought will be for naught."
    And with those words was the Hag Queen bound.
  According to Morkath's Account, the Hag Queen voluntarily withdrew herself from the world into the Web of Fate at some point during the War of Binding.  


  Little is known of the followers of the First Paragon, though it is likely that at least some of them undertook the Oath of Night. It appears that at least some of those who serve her in the present day are Hags, though the specifics of their link to her are unclear.  


  It is unclear what influence the First Paragon may continue to have on the world.
Control of Fate
Inescapable Ruin
Aligned Organization
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
Anwet (hypothesised)
Bhur Bheccan (hypothesised)
Hag Queen


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