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The Seventh


According to Tdjaia'ucchan, he was a magician, holding the office of First Enchanter of Tchokayahattak. He dreamed of the utopia that could be created if the people of the world put aside their differences, and came to believe that it was the destruction the gods would be a price worth paying for peace.   The portraits owned by Ambrosius depict him as an Orc.  

Archive of the Anima

[...] First Enchanter of Tchokayahattak. [...] orcish by birth [...] potential in their youth, possibly indicating sorcerous [...] noted as bearer of one of the Three Blades of the Traitor Smith during the [...] enthusiastic participation in their more general efforts to undermine the authority of the Solars [...] factionalised in the aftermath, siding with the Dancer and Kraken Queen against [...] that the others were so preoccupied with their own agendas that they were unable to perceive the greater threat [...] unite the nations of the world under a single banner, then it might be possible to repulse the threat posed by That [...] infiltration of the existing authorities in order to replace them with puppet-rulers loyal to him alone [...] that we had indeed been infiltrated, though not by his order. Further details are not to be stored in the Anima system for this reason [...] presumed dead following the destruction of Tchokayahattak; however it is possible that [...] referring to themselves as "Anathemata" [...] for the erratic actions of Xochehuasti and the Army of the Free in [...] interdiction against the Yua until we can conclusively determine whether he is still active, and the location of the Throne, should it no longer be within his possession.

The Call of the Seventh

And the seventh spoke: “I seize divinity for all who cry out for freedom; that we might stand together in solidarity and kinship with all those who would cast off their chains and join us - let there be no tyranny nor power unaccountable within my domain. I claim Authority, for I have beheld the Face of the King, and pledge myself thus to Victorious Night”


Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that his dream of unity became soured by ruthlessness, and that he decided that if the world would not band together voluntarily, he would unite it by force. She remarked that he may have indeed united the world - but united it against him.  

The War of the Paragons

Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that he allied with Cendra and Dra'az against Oruban. After the destruction of Shas'Ellith, he renounced his alliance with Cendra and set about a campaign of subversion and conquest of the other nations. It appears that he had some manner of alliance with Vash Ossai, at least for a time, and a fragment recovered from Queen Melekhandra's Mnemnotic Records imply that he may have been in communication with her some point during her rule.   His original throne is understood to have been located in Tchokayahattak, though after the city's destruction he managed to relocate it to the city which, millenia later, became Ysberinge. It is thought that the physical throne itself may now be the throne of Aldernord.  


Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that he was allied with the Oathcircle against the other paragons, but that Xochehuasti betrayed him, destroying Tchokayahattak with a terrible weapon in an attempt to assassinate him. She claims that he survived, and fled to Aaranak, pursued by Xochehuasti and the Army of the Free; they eventually met in battle, and somehow became trapped in the Periphery or in the Four Hells, where they remain locked in combat to this day, neither one able to escape nor overcome the other.   This is broadly corroborated by Morkath's Account.  


Tdjaia'ucchan confirmed that he was responsible for the creation of the Yad Lahl'an dopplegangers, using the power of the Formless Foulness to do so; they were to be his agents, the Geshk'atanka T'alahm, or Web of Shadows that persists to this day. Whilst the modern Web of Shadows all nominally serve the Paragons, the extent to which this is true in practice is perhaps questionable; however least one faction within the Web of Shadows - of which Tzatu'yshan is understood to be a member - is believed to be actively working towards Velzarn's release, and seek to open the path to Tchokayahattak in pursuit of this goal.   Data from the archive of the Anima implies that he may also have some form of link to the Anathemata, the demigods who ruled over the Second Empire of Yua, though this has yet to be confirmed. It also appears likely that at least some of his followers were bound into the cycle of reincarnation of the Oath of Night.  


It is unclear what degree of influence Velzarn may continue to exert upon the world; whilst is is clear that there are those who continue to act in his name, it is perhaps doubtful that any of them are in direct communication with him. Any more subtle influence upon the world that he may have is likewise unclear.
Unquestionable Authority
Inevitable Opposition
He/him, they/them
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
First Enchanter
Lord of the Winds


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