Fort Knucklebones

General Summary

Day 18 since arriving in Avernus   Avernus, First Layer of the Nine Hells       It took Khaboom slapping Gorn across the face to convince the small figures atop the gatehouse to open the large metal gates of Fort Knucklebones.   The figures, which the adventurers later learned were Redcaps and Madcaps, insisted that Khaboom's slapping of Gorn was the password needed to enter the fort, although it was later discovered that no such password was required or even existed.   Nevertheless, the group was happy to be inside Fort Knucklebones.   The area enclosed by the rampart was littered with trash and mechanical parts, some put together in a way that resembled a vehicle. Ramshackle structures, built from the same junk as the outer wall, provided shelter. A platoon of small fey creatures the group learned were Redcaps and Madcaps milled about, all looking like feral gnomes. Several of them sported tall red caps, some of which dripped with vile ichor.   A pair of kenkus examine one of the strange vehicles, chattering to each other in high-pitched squawks. These kenkus carried an assortment of strange tools.   When they saw Wink's Warriors, they turned and stared in wonder.   The kenkus, Chukka and Clonk instantly recognized Lulu. Before the adventurers can act, Clonk squawked at them.   One of the kenkus waved and said, "What a deal! Patience is a virtue! Can't keep the boss waiting!" He then ran off into one of the trash structures.   Moments later he returned, leading a tall creature wearing a long, tattered shift covered in mud, blood, mold, and worse. The hag's eyes seem to move independently of each other as she approaches, her straggly brown hair hanging in front of them. Resting on each shoulder were red-eyed ravens that scrutinized the group. Behind her, a hulking creature built of disparate fiendish parts trudged, moaning and hopping as it walked.   Then both of the hag's eyes focus keenly on the group, and on Lulu specifically. "My goodness!" the hag croaked, spittle dribbling from her mouth. "Where did you find such a treasure?"   Lulu, who seemed to like the attention, spoke telepathically to the hag. After a moment, the hag who introduced herself as Maggie, offered to unlock Lulu's memories, joyfully telling the adventurers about Lulu's possible relationship with Zariel.   Before she does that, however, Maggie told everyone she needed to gather supplies for the ritual of memory unlocking.   During that time, the adventurers were allowed to wander about the junkyard.   The junkyard was full of interesting creatures.   The adventurers met a flying skull covered in greenish flames. He spoke and said his name was Barnabas. He claimed to have once been a powerful wizard, whose crypt was defiled by an evil nemesis who stole his skull and turned him into a flameskull, a type of undead. Mad Maggie, as he called the hag, struck a bargain with this rival wizard and took Barnabas as payment. Now he's a part of her gang called The Knucklebones Gang.   Barnabas said the redcaps like to hurl things at him, and after getting hit in the jaw with a loose gear, Barnabas lost one of his front teeth forcing him to whistle when he spoke. He claimed he saw a redcap, Grubba, grab it and run off. Barnabas said he was too embarrassed to tell Mad Maggie about it and would appreciate it if the adventures would help him recover his tooth.   When they came upon Chukka and Clonk again, the kenkus said they had a simple problem that perhaps the adventurers could help them with. A spiky gear within a Demon Grinder wasn't working properly.   Clunk said, in Mad Maggie’s voice, “By Beshaba, whatever did an innocent woman like me do to deserve this!” before continuing in a deep and rumbling voice, “’Tis the hezrou-gear. Can’t be repaired. Ain’t nothin’ else to do but catch a new one.”   Looking at the redcaps running around, Chukka blurts out in one of their shrill voices, “Blood! Haha, kill! Kill it faster, faster!” and shakes its head. Looking up at the party, Chukka says in the deep voice, “Gimme a hand with this, I’ll owe ye. Whaddaya say?”   Not quite understanding what the kenkus were saying, Lulu used her telepathic ability to find out that the two kenkus wanted to repair the Demon Grinder but needed three spikes off the back of a live hezrou, a large and powerful demon known to wander Avernus.   The two kenkus said they couldn't ask the redcaps and madcaps, because they’ll just kill the demon – and since demons that die outside the Abyss have a habit of bursting into black ichor instead of leaving a corpse, Chukka and Clonk needed to catch one alive to harvest the spikes they needed.   If Wink's Warriors agreed to help them get the needed spikes, they could send Pins and Needles, two shrewd but lazy imps to scout the area for any signs of hezrous. The kenkus added that Mad Maggie likes those who help her gang out. They said if the party helps a lot around the junkyard or go on special errands or quests for her, Mad Maggie may be willing to part with an infernal machine that the party could use to travel across Avernus.   The party agreed to get the three spikes the kenkus needed.      
    After teaching everyone how to drive or handle the three vehicles they were going to use to find the hezrous and harvest the spikes, they left Fort Knucklebones.   Pins and Needles said they spotted a pair of hezrous wandering the crags about three miles out.   The group managed to separate the two hezrous although it had cost Khaboom his infernal machine.   It also took some effort but eventually, they were able to harvest three spikes from a grappled hezrou.   They then quickly drove back to Fort Knuclebones hoping Mad Maggie would be ready to perform the ritual needed to restore Lulu's memory so they could find the location of Zariel's hidden sword.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Retrieved 3 Hezrou spikes





Mad Maggie and Mickey


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