Elister Noggins Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Elister Noggins

Rescued in from Thane Kayalithica during Session 61: Something Amiss.


Priest of Gond (god of inventors) from Loudwater Gives them a small clock Will be happy to go to Citadel Adbar or Parnast (Workshop) Fucked up scared hands Veena has taken a liking to him because he made her a knee brace Has created a workshop in the basement of Stoneshingle Wing. In a relationship with Doleslaw Neverwright. Leaving with her to go on an adventure to Ebberon (her home town). Taking the construct Theodore with him (who wears a druidcraft crown, a gift from Willow).

Deep Gnome rescued from Thane Kayalithica in Session 61

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