Stoneshingle Wing Building / Landmark in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Stoneshingle Wing

In Session 41: Hero's Reward: Stoneshingle Wing you were gifted a keep within Citadel Adbar named Stoneshingle Wing, which used to belong to Shane's parents who have since deceased.


You have cleaned up the castle, made modifications/reinforcements, and hired an entire staff for the keep's operations. Olga's mother, Helga Traverstein has moved in with you and serves as the cook of the keep.Your current staff is as follows:   Castellan: Thorin Maplesword
  • Male dwarf, rather large for a dwarf. Long brown hair with a shorter, well kept beard
  • Serves as the Steward /manager of your keep while you are away (handles operation, payroll, etc.)
  • 2 gp/day = 60 gp/month
  Guard Captains: Kip Snowbow & Heron Greyboot (DECEASED)
  • Male dwarves, served as your temporary guards/reinforcements/liaison's which you hired on full time
  • They helped you with the staffing process of your keep.
  • Captains of the Mithral Shield (king's guard)
  • 2 gp/day each = 120 gp/month
Guards: Shria'tar Faldath & Belwar Dawnmen
  • Shria'tar was a last minute applicant. She is a beautiful earth genasi who is an adventurer herself but she will be in Citadel Adbar for sometime and is looking for an easy job while she is in town
  • Belwar is a svirfneblin (deep gnome) who is related to Vreck (the singer) and a part of the prominent Dawnmen family of deep gnomes here in Citadel Adbar. He is missing an arm, but instead has an apparatus that he can attach implements to such has a hammer, axe, hooks, etc.
  • 1 gp/day each = 60 gp/month
Maids: Orsik & Mar
  • Male Dwarves - you decided to hire males in order to avoid a law suit
  • 5 sp/day each = 30 gp/month


Session 41: Hero's Reward: Stoneshingle Wing (Eleasias 4)
  • Repairs to the ship: Balloon was completely destroyed 2,000 gp (discounted from 3,000 gp) and 2 months repair time. Gondola took 128/250 damage; 1 HP = 20 gp and 1 day; 2,560 gp and 128 days (4 months) repair time.
  • Elementals: Capture an elemental - or summon with spell/ magic item but that is temp
Session 42: The Maelstrom, Hold of the Storm Giants (Eleasias 10)
  • Paid in full for 1 month
Session 49: Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice... ah' SHIT! (Eleint 1)
  • Gifted giant dick statues from Frilnik as a piece offering.
  • Delsaphine fiasco
Session 52: Beneath Daggerford 52 (Eleint 3)
  • Plant giant pineapples in the basement
  • Sent 3 journals from Gemmadan to Shane to learn more about them.
  • Instructed Thorin Maplesword to melt down all the dicks and to commission a painting of all phallic symbols with all their likeness.
  • Took the Hill Giant head out of the Bag of Holding and instructed to create a door knocker from it.
  • 1,000 PP to the vault
  • 10 PP to decorate to his taste (Vel)
Session 57: Free at Long Last (Eleint 13)
  • Discovered that the journals from Gemadan's Library contain information about the realms, ancient history about the Jungles of Chult and the mysteries unveiled about ancient liches, Acerak. Books about planar travel, specifically through the Shadow Fell and Feywilds, lastly a book that appears to be the most recent, very recent in fact. Talk of a band of adventurers somehow fighting back the wrath of Tiamat and her recent attempts to infiltrate back into the Prime Material Plane.
  • Added to the giant pineapple trees in the dungeon; created bioluminescent nodes that provide light and are what’s growing them - the pineapples now have a glowing rim around their leaves.
  • The painting is in the middle of commission (Vel paid extra to have Willow added).
  • Ship is currently being repaired in a gnome workshop outside of the city called the Treant Treenail
  • There is potential magic located within Ascore that can propel the ships to fly themselves - Navigation Orbs - same type of magic the propels @Lyn Armaal
  • Ship will be ready by Marpenoth 4
  • 100 PP to the vault(Vel)
  • TOTAL FUNDS: 1,070 PP
Session 65: Final Goodbyes (Marpenoth 14)
  • Their ship is ready at the Treant Treenail
  • Willow’s family (mom, dad, brother) are indeed in Goldenfields (scry)
  • Portrait of Dong’s with their heads has been completed, however they have not melted down the dick statues yet.
Session 71: Year in Review (Marpenoth/October 28)
  • Spent year doing various things
  • Gave the dust devil Pokeball to Elister Noggins in hopes that he could have it recharged.

CURRENT TOTAL MONTHLY COST: 300 gp ($30,000 per month)
  • Considered a "Noble Estate"
  • General Costs for Upkeep 1 gp/day = 30 gp/month

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