Laeral Silverhand Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Laeral Silverhand

  • Open Lord of Waterdeep
  • Defeated Bael with the help of her lover Kelben Blackstaff and her sisters Alustriel Silverhand and Dove Falconhand who died as a result from the battle
Session 79: Audience with the Open Lord 
  • Archanist Eudora sent word to the Lords of Waterdeep to aid you in gaining and audience with them.
  • Laeral met with you in private at Castle Waterdeep; during that meeting you turned of 3/4 evil elemental relics, Tinderstrike, Drown, and Windvane.
  • Gave her 4/5 Devastation Orbs but convinced her to let you keep one in an agreement that you would use it to destroy Maraxax's Domain or the like.

Open Lord of Waterdeep

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