Session 49: Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice... ah' SHIT! Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 49: Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice... ah' SHIT!

General Summary

Upon returning back to your home, Stoneshingle Wing within Citadel Adbar, Olga’s presence was requested immediately at the Ice Mountain Infirmary. You found out that her mother was incredibly sick.   The sounds of a very unhappy Diamonddust is what brought your attention upstairs. There you saw a very puggy (and rather repulsive) ginger half-elf teasing Diamonddust. She standing on top of the table growling at him, however upon seeing Bolivar enter the chambers with his warhammer drawn to attack the well-known betrayer, Frilnik she was overjoyed and tackled him to the ground with admiration   The tension eased up a bit between Bolivar and this individual after an evening of performance between the Bards, drinking, and phalic gifts - 5 large genital shaped statues created out of solid gold. Eventually, Frilnik shared with you the true reason behind his arrival to Stoneshingle Wing; after selling off the Talisman of Silence in Silverymoon (a very valuable relic that he and his goliath companion, Uthal Bearkiller, stole from the original party several months ago) he was approached by a very beautiful woman. She told him the she had captured Uthal and was going to kill him if Frilnik did not help her recover something of great value to her; the Orbs of Dragonkind. Together, they traveled to Citadel Adbar and had been waiting here for your arrival.  

Bolivar's Contemplations

  Bolivar’s belief in Sylvanus is so deep that the only way he failed to turn the Dodkong and then died was because he’s fallen out of the good graces of his god. He believes that his current path isn’t righteous. He starts really thinking about how different his group has become since being named the “Saviors of Parnast”. His gut was not to trust Zephyr when he came back with powers from the Dodkong but Bolivar's relationship with Zephyrs and many of his own choices seem good. But now he sees that in a different light...   Maybe Zephyr was turned and has slowly been moving the group towards doing the dodkongs bidding. Bolivar recalls Xye’s callous dismissal of Beldabar Falanaar after he’d done so much to help and Beldabar being a fellow worshipper of nature. Now with Vel's betrayal, Eld’s choice to block Bolivar, and above all Vel's new Oath; Bolivar sees his group has been corrupted.
His path is clear, he must free his brother and High Sorcerer Vaeril, warn the Lord's Alliance and await instructions on how best to serve the light to be righteous once again. The plans laid out by Zephyr and the rest seem to play right into the hands of the Dodkong, collecting all the stones making it easier for the Dodkong to end the planet. Bolivar chooses to advance level to fighter so he can fight better next then the dodkong appears. Bolivar thinks himself a double agent working with this group but only as a means to stop them from serving the Dodkong as they seem to be doing.....
    The next morning you woke up to Delsaphine in the common room with her feet up on the table. She was not amused when Xyden came out and immediately tired to cast a spell at her. She had told you that you were going to help her recover this said Orb from the cloud giant castle, Lyn Armaal or else the “illness” Olga’s mother had contracted would not end well.   With apprehension, you did help her and together you all were teleported by Delsaphine to the cloud giant fortress; leaving Diamonddust behind once again. After one encounter with a couple of cloud giant guards, you managed to make your way up into the castle. With the help of Bolivar’s locate object spell, you were able to find the room that contained the orb.   Along the way, Ivellios used Dimension Door to teleport into the chamber where he though the prisoners were being held. After teleporting into the aviary and causing a ruckus amongst the griffons in that chamber, he entered the adjacent chamber where he saw, Dral, High Sorcerer Vaeril, a halfling, and an adult bronze dragon all in cages.   Currently with the majority of the party in the chambers upstairs, there was a decorative, wrought iron staircase in one corner of this room leads down to the servants’ quarters from where you came and up further to the level above you. Colorful rugs decorate the floor, while the walls are festooned with partitions forming niches that display beautiful pieces of art that the countess and her late husband have collected over the years. The centerpiece of her collection is a stuffed young silver dragon suspended by chains from the ceiling and a large pennant flag hanging above a window leading outside. Delsaphine immediately spotted the Orb of Dragonkind which she was easily able to recover, and Frilnik a beautiful Harp.   After a moment inside this chamber Frilnik created a distraction, you guys did not see Delsaphine attempt to cast a sleep spell on Xydenanthis, causing him to fall from the castle window, but she was unsuccessful. At the same moment a cloud giant entered into this chamber with a non-hostile, but rather confused look on his face as he spotted Bolivar, Eldred, and Veena who are currently in the center of the chamber. Xydenanthis, holding the pennant flag in hands watched as Delsaphine grabbed onto Frilnik and the two teleported away, as she had recovered what she came her to collect.
Report Date
26 Sep 2020

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