Orbs of Dragonkind Item in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Orbs of Dragonkind

Ages past, elves and humans waged a terrible war against evil dragons. When the world seemed doomed, powerful wizards came together and worked their greatest magic, forging five Orbs of Dragonkind (or Dragon Orbs) to help them defeat the dragons. One orb was taken to each of the five wizard towers, and there they were used to speed the war toward a victorious end. The wizards used the orbs to lure dragons to them, then destroyed the dragons with powerful magic.   As the wizard towers fell in later ages, the orbs were destroyed or faded into legend, and only three are thought to survive. Their magic has been warped and twisted over the centuries, so although their primary purpose of calling dragons still functions, they also allow some measure of control over dragons. Each orb contains the essence of an evil dragon, a presence that resents any attempt to coax magic from it. Those lacking in force of personality might find themselves enslaved to an orb   High Sorcerer Vaeril Rhuidhen was devoted to protecting the Orb of Dragonkind (Dragon's Luster) in Everlund.   Dragon’s Call
  • Asian Orb: Unknown
  • Evil Orb: Unknown
Dragon’s Luster Dragon’s Bane
  • Possesses the ability to create undead dragons or dracoliches against the dragon’s will. Highly sought after
  • Dragon’s Bane is the heart of a dracolich made of tar essentially
  • Recovered from Maraxax's Domain (currently in the possession of Archanist Eudora)

Orb of Dragonkind (Dragon's Call)
Item type
Unique Artifact

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