Zephyr Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Oathbreaker Zephyr

My name is Zephyr (Birthname: Bryn Galanodel). I was born in the town of Quaervarr to an elven woman named Naivara, who was kind, wise, sensitive, and everything one could ask for in a mother. She did her best to raise me by herself, as my father, a Genie of the elemental plane of air, was out of the picture long before I was born. My childhood was rough, as you would expect being the only plane-touched around. However, I was not friendless, as a gnome boy affectionately called Denzam "Worm" Garrick befriended me around my tenth birthday. We were about the same age, and both had dreams of adventuring out of the town by joining the hunt when we were old enough, so when we were of age to begin training, we were the first in line to meet Giles, the huntmaster.   Training was pretty intensive. We first learned how to track various beasts that would be sought after for food and as we got the hang of it, became scouts for the hunt. Moving ahead of the party and tying off limbs or branches to signify where a creature had moved. As we aged, we were trained more and more how to use a bow and blade and gradually became integrated into the party of hunters. My first official kill was a large elk, which yielded the best meal I have tasted to this day, and the rest of his body was utilized in the community. It was a proud moment in my life.   Three years ago, news arose of a troublesome beast a day and a half’s travel from the city that needed to be killed, as it was terrorizing the inhabitants of the surrounding area. Giles took a group of his best hunters and we headed off to take care of it. We found the beast, a Crag Cat I think Giles called it, resting near the base of a nearby mountain and readied for the battle. Despite catching it off guard, the beast put up a fight and the battle was gruesome. Luck was in our favor, however, as though it was very close, we managed to dispatch of the beast without losing any of our number. We camped at the base of that mountain that evening to recover, and at first light we made our way back towards home.   As we neared the village, however, the scent of fire and blood met our noses. Confusion got the better of us, and we broke into a sprint to make it back to the village to find most of it in flames and bodies littering the streets. Not everyone was dead, as several people could be seen tending to the injured or working to put out the fires. I raced toward my home, and found it on fire and my mother in the doorway, lifeless. I wept over her limp body for what felt like ages as the house burned around me. I could feel someone shaking my shoulder, and faintly heard someone shouting at me, but I could not comprehend anything. I was dragged away from the building, my mother too as I refused to release my grip on her body, before the flames could take us both.   Eventually, I was broken out of my shock by Worm, who forced me to make eye contact with him. My senses returned to me and I began looking around and saw that Giles was next to me also. I noticed my mother’s hand clenched around a strange object, and moved to retrieve it. Within her grasp was a round, silver medallion attached to a silver chain. In the center of the medallion was a small red gem. Surrounding the gem was a series of seven triangular shapes, each with a circle carved into the top of the triangle and a different rune in the middle of each circle. Seemingly spiraling around the medallion were a series of various runes. None of which I recognized or made any sense to me. It was then I vowed to my mother that I would find the people responsible for this attack and ensure they pay with their lives.   My home burned and family gone, I looked to Giles and Worm for council. Neither recognized the medallion, nor did they support the idea of me going after whoever was behind this attack. I crouched down next to my mother, kissed her forehead, and removed a simple silver ring she wore all the time as a token of her memory, and made for the Mayor’s office in an attempt to gain any information they know about who attacked Quaervarr. As I arrived, the building was swarmed with a mob of the townsfolk, shouting things about fallen family members or lost properties. In front of the ground was a very nervous-looking assistant to the Mayor attempting to calm everyone down and prevent what looks to become a riot. Recognizing the futility of the situation, I made my way back to Giles and reaffirmed my plan of finding those responsible. He stood firm with his disapproval, calling it a suicide mission, and refused to help. In my anger, I stormed out and headed for the outskirts of town to begin looking for any trace of this assault party. Whoever they were, they made a good attempt at hiding their trail as it took me quite a bit to find something, but I did eventually find a trail and set off south east.   In the years that followed, I’m sad to say the hunt has not been successful. About a day into tailing whatever trail I discovered outside of the village, the trail seemed to disappear and I was, once again, without direction. I found myself near the city of Silverymoon, and entered the city with the hopes of gathering any information I could. The city, however, was not as hospitable as I thought it would be to a small-town man as I was. I found myself taking on odd jobs just to survive at first, as I was without much coin and couldn’t get anyone to stop for me, let alone talk to me.   After about a year doing odd jobs in Silverytown, I happened across a traveler named Cid who said he recognized the symbol on the medallion, but his knowledge ended at the recognition. He said he saw it in the Port City of Luskan and if I helped deliver a package for him, the contact I’d be delivering the package to would be able to help me. I didn’t trust the man, but agreed to make the delivery, hoping against hope that I could get some information. However, I knew nothing about Luskan, so I inquired about it at the city’s library and found a map in one of the books which i quickly sketched. I found work guarding a caravan of mostly merchants heading to Mirabar, and for the few months traveled alongside them and protected them from the wilds and any would-be bandits along the way.   We stopped briefly in Everlund, Yartar, Triboar and Longsaddle along the way. In each town I asked around about the medallion, though to no avail. On one such occasion in Triboar, one of the Merchants I was travelling with, a half-elf woman named Rosaqarin, noticed the medallion and inquired about it. Reluctantly, I shared my story with her and, though she didn’t know anything about it, she promised that she would help me in my search. The caravan continued onward and eventually arrived at Mirabar and I was still no closer to the truth than I was when I left home a year ago.   After we reached Mirabar, I said my goodbyes to Rosaqarin and the other merchants after receiving payment and heading to the inn. Rosa promised that she would continue to search for any symbols matching the medallion, and she would contact me should she happen across anything. When I asked her how she would do this, she simply smiled and said she has her secrets as well. I spent a month in Mirabar asking around for any information I could get on the medallion. Nearly everyone apologized for being unable to help, though many did offer to give me a decent price on it should I decide to let go of it.   Remembering the package I agreed to deliver, I finally left Mirabar for Luskan. Upon entering the city, I was immediately put on guard by the state in which I found the town. Everything looked run-down, many of the buildings were in disrepair and trash lined the streets. As an afterthought, I pulled my robe tighter over my body to hide my complexion and continued forward to where I was instructed to deliver this package. I found the building easily enough, though it was no less intimidating than the rest of the city. I knocked on the door and a half-orc man fitting the description Cid gave me answered. Upon stating his name, Zurk, and gaining confirmation by his grunt, I handed over the package and left without further conversation or payment. Whatever the package was or whatever information he may or may not have about the medallion was outweighed by the disease I felt by being in this city.   Feeling it was best to simply leave, I made my way south to Neverwinter. Along the way, I noted how strange it was to be so close to the ocean. I had never seen so much water at once, and found the sound of the water oddly soothing. I made my way into Neverwinter and found myself in a similar situation to where I was a year previously in Silverymoon in that no one wanted to give an outsider the time of day. Just as back then, I took on odd jobs and bounties to earn coin and asking about the medallion whenever I could gain an audience with someone. With nothing to go on, I settled into life in Neverwinter for two years when I got another lead. This time, I was lead to a town east of Waterdeep by the name of Goldenfields...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Character Profile Image from https://www.artstation.com/artwork/DOwdR   Broad shoulders, stocky build. Strong frame capable of physical tasks and wielding large weaponry.

Body Features

Giant runes cover the entirety of Zephyr's body. When he taps into his abilities, the runes emit a blue glow

Facial Features

Aside from the giant runes, he wears several earrings on each ear

Identifying Characteristics

blue with white hair and giant runes covering his body.

Short tempered Air Genasi looking to avenge the loss of his village, among them his Mother.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Savior of Parnast
  • Champion of the Arena
  • Oathbreaker (self given)
  • Liberator of the Stormborn
Current Residence
Citadel Adbar
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
190 lbs

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