Oathbreaker Zephyr | World Anvil

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Oathbreaker Zephyr

Level 13 Air Genasi CG Horizon Walker 9, Naivara's Champion 4
/ 129 HP

Short tempered Air Genasi looking to avenge the loss of his village, among them his Mother.

Campaign & Party

Saviors of Parnast

Bolivar Willy Catwyn Zephyr Kadzurak

Liberators of the Stormborn

Wilhelmina Zephyr
Run by thedndcoalition
Played by
Joe Lewis
Other characters
Thu 11th Nov 2021 03:37

Out of my Depth

by Oathbreaker Zephyr


The major events and journals in Zephyr's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zephyr.

Played by
Joe Lewis

Other Characters by MakoaKeo