Croya Geographic Location in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Deep within the core of this moon lies a prison, unlike any other in the universe. It is a prison for false gods, beings who once claimed to hold power over the world but were punished for their acts of evil. The prison is not made of bricks and mortar, but rather of a strange, otherworldly energy that emanates from the very heart of the moon. The walls of the prison are thick and impenetrable, and those who are imprisoned within it are trapped for eternity.   The energy that keeps the barriers in place is sustained by the Almighty, as a way of containing the gods that lead mortal kind to false faiths and death. This is the place the linish gods are forever imprisoned and their suffering will power the forces of nature for the rest of time. There will come a day when a new existence will be crafted and their power will no longer be needed to fuel the old creation. That is when the lords of the void will become trapped within the moon as well, and Croya will be sent fly through the void forever.   The core of the moon is a place of darkness and despair, with no light or sound to be found. Those who are imprisoned within it are stripped of their power and forced to face the consequences of their actions.   Despite its dark and foreboding nature, the core of the moon is seen by some as a righteous punishment. It serves as a warning to those who would seek to follow the gods that suffer there, reminding them that their actions will not go unpunished. And for those who seek justice and retribution against the false gods, the core of the moon is a place of solace and vindication.


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