Ferro Settlement in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Ferro sits on a plateau overlooking the east sea of Herelin and is known to be a magnificent sight, with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The city is characterized by its grand architecture, intricate stonework, and ornate detailing, reflecting the artistic and cultural achievements of the people of Herelin. Despite the kings and temple authorities trying to descredit the rumors, the whispered organization known as "the collective" operate in the shadows, hidden away from the prying eyes of the authorities. The collective has a network of secret passages and hidden rooms, allowing them to move about the city undetected. Their presence is ominously felt throughout the city, as the people speak in hushed tones of their activities.   Despite the danger posed by the collective, the city is bustling with activity, with merchants and artisans selling their wares in the marketplace, and scholars and intellectuals exchanging ideas in the city's many cafes and lecture halls. Although the people of Herelin are proud of their heritage to begin with, they take great pride in their cultural and artistic achievements in Ferro.    Ferro is a city of contrasts, where the beauty of the city's architecture and culture is juxtaposed against the danger and intrigue of the collective. Along with the government's zealous attempts to suppress rumors of the collective's existence and their unrivaled skill in stealth and deception, Ferro continues to be their strongest home base.
Population: 35,000   Government: Theocracy of Herelin   Important NPCs:
Subareas/places of interest:   The Calming Clouds (an herb house) location where Cormac can usually be found. The players trigger an interaction by asking the herb tender about locations of knight operations.    The confessor's tower (can be seen from all across the city, is a mighty and gleaming white tower that grabs the player's attention.) This is a place where the confessors study invocations, discuss philosophy and tome commentaries, teach the squires and provide confessions.    The Marketplace. Where the people of Ferro buy and sell their goods. Starting Quests:   Love at First Fight https://www.worldanvil.com/w/legacy-wars3A-ferrathar-nations-savaric/a/love-at-first-fight-plot?preview=true?


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