MQ,2 DC5 Uncovering what is Hidden Plot in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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MQ,2 DC5 Uncovering what is Hidden

When the players visit king Rodrick again, Sir Roy will be on his way out. This will be some good opportunity to get in some dialogue and character development. He apologizes for how his people have treated you, saying he wonders what kind of lives any one of them would lead if they had been born under other gods.   "Tell me something, -----. If there was a painful truth, too painful for you to swallow, about your god. Would you want to know? Or would you chose to continue on in blissful ignorance for the rest of your life?"   Rodrick will reveal the information of a knight, currently unidentified who has succumbed to the influence of the malevolent plague. Sir Roy has vowed to kill the one responsible. King Rodrick thinks this is a grievous mistake as the knight probably has valuable information regarding advancements of the malevolent. Roy is currently conducting an investigation in his temple due to the letter found in the house by the party.   But Rodrick will let the party know there was blue wax residue on the letter when Roy was in to ask the king if he had any leads on the matter. The king knows that blue dye is a major export from the city of Ferro. He kept this information to himself because he wants the players to capture the knight before Roy figures out the letter was from another city.   He instructs the party to look for knight operations outside the city, as that is where it would make the most sense to do something under the temple's nose.   1. Ferro has been added to the map and can be found on the east side of Herelin. "I will send you with my war wagon as a part of an escort to stand guard against the novun raids that have been occurring there. But your real intention will be to investigate the temple knights there. And bring the infected knight back to us before anyone finds out. If we are lucky we may be able to get some information out of him before Roy and the rest of the temple finds out he is in our care." The king will give the players a ravenwood collar. The king will specify that no one else knows about the compromise in temple security, save for a few others due to the dishonor it could bring to their name.   2. By asking around, the party can be made aware of two situations:   (Confessor's tower.) By asking for a confessional ceremony a player will go with confessor Edlbor to a campsite. There the player will confess one of their sins. (Persuasion roll) If a success Edlbor will add thoughtfully "That's what my old apprentice Renard used to struggle with. I'm not supposed to tell you this but I believe he is at windwall village right now, if you head that way do consider speaking to him, he knows what it's like to struggle with that sin."   (The Calming Clouds )(an herb house) The players trigger an interaction by asking the herb tender about locations of knight operations. They'll be tripped (dexterity saving throw) and taunted. They group of guardsman at the table will purpose a duel with wooden weapons to three points if they win the duel they get the location of the northern outpost. If they lose, the party will lose ten gold.   The Marketplace (pickpocket attempt that also initiates the Collective side quest) If the player succesfuly rolls Perception they will catch the hand of a pickpocket's attempt to plant something on them. If they agree to let him go he will not only give them information on one of the locations but will initiate the side quest.   2.1 There is a group of knights lead by Sir Geoffrey against a Novun raid up shore of the city. (The Norther Outpost) There is a modest outpost being held by a handful of knights against an onslaught of Novun. (Insight can reveal that there are no dead bodies laying around.) (Persuasion can allow one of the knight's to be forthcoming about Geoffrey ordering the men to load up the bodies on a wagon for him to take away but he won't say why.) If pressed then Geoffrey will claim he's paying for someone to take the bodies to a cremation center in the north. The characters are given the direction NORTH from Ferro. After the skirmish there.   When the battle starts there are raiders running at the wall trying to climb up it. But down the terrain you see four novun carrying a keg with a burning fuse on the end. But further up they see an the guy manning the ballistae gets shot out of it.   One Novun will ascend the fortification latter every new round. In four rounds the keg will be brought to the gate and everyone accept Geoffrey will be killed.   (This will intersect with East road that the Infected villager escapee will take one of the horses.)   2.2 There is a cave further to the Nort East of Ferro. Sir Renard can be found at a large cave opening on the northeast traveling road. ( NearThe party will find him holding a barrier to the cave and there will be two other dead knights at the scene (they jumped his group that was searching for malevolent sightings.) Inside is a nest of Malevolent waiting to get out and attack the twenty-family village that is only a quarter mile from here (Renard can't hold them all back from attacking the village.) The party must go in the cave and exterminate all the malevolent in order to question the knight about possible happenings around this area. The cave will be filled with 12 predators. (Or however many you need to fulfill the 4-1 ratio of enemies per player but in this case 3.) "Listen, I Know you come here with questions. Questions no one else in the temple would answer for you. If you can destroy the malevolent in the cave I can help you with your quest." (He will reveal he caught one of his knights doing a blood oath with a group of villagers, and one of them took off on a horse on the north east road.)   3. After both of these objectives are completed the party will be given the intersection point at which an abandoned outpost can be located. Fort Graymore, a series of towers connected by sky-bridges. Here will be half formed Malevolent Proselytes that will come from the grave undead before their bodies are done being formed by the plague.   Tower 1, tower of darkness: "You encroach upon your first tower. No barriers or gates impede your entry but the unsettling presence of cold evil surrounds this place would be more than enough to deter a casual passerby. You wonder if there's a conjured barrier of fear that repels visitors or if it's simply your gut dissuading you from entry.   Enemies: 4 predators and two half-proselytes. The room contains a chest with average loot + a torch, fire scones lit on the walls and a plaque on the exit door that reads "And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.…." (They see a painting of a dyragan stomping over villagers.)   As the team progresses across the skyway they notice that as they progress over the skywalk they can't get any closer to the other side no matter how much ground they cover. All the players have to do is light the lampstands on the sides of the skywalk.   Tower 2, tower of kinship   Enemies: 3 half-proselytes.   There is nothing of note in the room except another plaque on the door that reads: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."   When the players try to pull the door there is a mechanism it triggers the ceiling compressing down on them. You note with certainty that the ceiling is weighed under what you and your party can handle, and that one extra person could escape if the others continue to hold it up. You hear a loud click as the exit to the third tower swings open.   The solution to this puzzle is letting a third player go beyond the door while the rest of the party sacrifices themselves, agreeing to let one live. Beyond the door, along the wall is a lever someone has to pull to retract the wall.   Tower 3, Tower of blood Enemies: 2 predators and 3 proselytes   In this tower are pools of water. After killing the common monsters the bosses will emerge from the same pit that they were entombed in together.   After completion of the dungeon they will find Geoffrey and Roy in the throne room waiting for them. Roy kills Geoffrey and blames the death on the party. The Quest will be completed and the party will receive experience before being located to the arena in Nogundr.
DC:5, 12,400XP
Enemies:   Malevolent: Predators   Malevolent: Half-formed Proselytes   Novun Raider    Bosses: Journal Entries:   1. Rodrick believes the latter originated from Ferro. We'll have to go there and investigate missions Knights are being sent to.    2. We found out from ____ that there is a temple operation up at the norther outpost of Ferro. ( 1/2 temple operation locations found.)   3. We found out from ____ that there is another temple operation by the village of Windwall to the northeast of Ferro. ( 2/2 operation locations found.)   4. North route discovered + North east route discovered. These two routes that the malevolent fled on intersect at THIS location on our map. We may be able to find something there.


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