Love At First Fight Plot in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Love At First Fight

The party notices that linish people are being stopped at checkpoints and on the streets. The party will need to roll a perception check in order to notice and catch a subtle yet suspicious linish man who passes the party to plant a replica on them. If they fail the following will happen:   When the party is walking the streets of Ferro, a linish man in a hood briskly walks by the party. You notice that he seems to be in a hurry and that he walks a little to close as he passes by considering the amount of space there is on the street. But other than that you think nothing of it and go about your business. Later in the day, two angry temple knights along with the captain of the guard come storming in your direction and you can tell they've been looking for someone of your description. They demand you empty out your pockets and bags for them to search. Upon emptying your bags you are shocked to find a silver idol of the linish god "Pira" the goddess of love and desire.   The temple's confiscated heresies vault was robbed by an expert thief. But he was able to plant a false replica on the player. The guards were informed to inventory check every linish so to confuse the guard they were given false information that the idol was exchanged and now in the hands of one of the party members.   The player whose bag is found to have the planted artifact is taken to prison. After a few days, you are visited by a guardsman who explains they were able to verify the idol was a replica and that they were given false information concerning the players. This will all routinely happen until the person finally rolls at least a twelve.   When they catch the man, he will be impressed at their fast reflexes and perception and tell them his bosses would be very interested in employing the services of people of their talents. If they agree, he will simply ask them to carry the real idol to the other end of town to a smoke-lounge called " The Calming Clouds." If the player attempts to return the idol to the temple or sell it they will be accused of trying to deceive others because the idol is a fake and the linish man was just testing the party to see if they could be trusted.   When they meet at "The Calming Clouds" the man will reveal his name is Cormac. Although he doesn't need the replica back he'll pay them 10G for their trouble and assure them this time the mission he has for them is the real deal. The party will lead to an upstairs room where there will be a firstborn man with a swaddled weapon, a two-handed war-mace. It's called "The Soul's Companion." Unknowing to the players (and even the two from the collective,) the weapon tends to form a close and obsessive romantic relationship with the wielder.  Does 3d6.   The following effects will be given to the player that choses to carry the weapon back to----:   1. The player is compelled to fight with the soul fuser and only that weapon. The player will also be unable to use any magic during combat less the weapon become jealous that they aren't using it for the fight.    2. The weapon will compel the player to become aggressive and paranoid at any the inquire about the weapon or try to take it from the player. The player may also be compelled to attack against their will at times the weapon suspects that someone is trying to separate them.    On the way to the village of Newaberr   A. Highwaymen will be waiting for them at a bridge. ( For 3 players: 3 Veterans lvl 1, and eight regular.)   B. there will be a camping break when all the players are sitting around the fire. The wielder is the only one who can hear the voice of the weapon and will also become paranoid when other party members ask about who the wielder is talking to. It will ask after being interrupted if they can go alone to talk.    C. The party is nearing the village now, on a narrow cliffside trail. The party is farther up ahead but the wielder is falling behind and is out of yelling range. Out of the bushes, two extremely nervous young men (barely old enough to be married off to someone's daughter) come out with weapons (not even war weapons but black smith's tools.) They tell the player to give them all their valuables. Regardless of how the player choses to interact, once they demand for the mace to be handed over, the soul's companion will compel the player to slaughter them both.


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