Fidelis Geographic Location in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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As the ship nears the land that rose out of the horizon, a mighty wall spanning from the east to the west comes into view. The ship knowingly sails straight to the sole port gate as if it had made this voyage many times before. Along both sides of the gate, is a colossal statue looking down at you and across the sea. The left giant is a man in full plate armor, standing proud and vigilant with both hands wrapped around his poleaxe. On the other side is a hooded man in elegant robes and outstretched hands as if declaring a message to all the ships journeying to this port.   You get the feeling that neither of these two gigantic structures is a certain figure, rather that they represent two integral and powerful classes in this world. Inside the embrace of the port walls, a city with mighty timber-framed buildings with red and white colors reveals itself.   Fidelis is a hub of trade and commerce, with merchants from across the lands converging here to buy and sell goods. The harbor is constantly buzzing with activity, as crews of sailors unload cargo from one ship and load it onto another. The clatter of wooden crates and the creaking of ropes fills the air, as merchants shout orders and sailors work to secure their cargo.   Despite its bustling nature, the port city can be a dangerous place, with cutthroats and thieves lurking in the shadows. The city guard patrols the streets, but they can't be everywhere at once, and the temple knights are constantly remaining vigil around much larger threats from a much darker world unseen by others.
Subareas/places of interest:   Docks (A slayer’s request, Bran Quest giver)   Lower City: (Good Samaritan, given by Rodrick) (Arichibald’s emporium, shop) (The crystal Vial, shop) (The Smouldering Tongue, shop,)   Upper City: (People of the Way, Quest found at the temple) (Barislav’s Iron, shop) (Temple of the Way)
Coast / Shore
Archibald's Emporium (General Store)   Valik’s stock at the Crystal vial:   Healing Vial: 2d4+4 50G   Healing Elixer 4oz: 4d4+4 healing 150G   Healing Elizer 8oz: 10d4+4 450G   Ailment Cure 250G   Battle Stimulant: Sustains the player for two turns after HP falls to zero. (3Hours)   Cosimo's Enchantments (Upper City) We also identify artifacts!   Barislav's Weapons (Also gets imported standard armor)
Loot Generator


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