High King Awul Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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High King Awul

High King of Herelin Astley

The people have both a great fear and respect for this king that accomplished great feats for firstborn glory. His strong but strict leadership has divided the Herelin people between those who see that he gets the job done vs those who see the radical steps he takes to get there. There is an illegal thus unspoken mentality that Alwul and his supporters share. Which is the desire for the king to overrule the temple in religious warfare when the knights are neglecting to further the cause of the firstborn reclaiming all of Ferrathar.

Physical Description

Special abilities

- Although still a young adolescence, the boy possesses a genius intellect. His intelligence being advanced enough to frame his uncle and mother for the death of his own father and leave the kingdom no other option than to hand the throne to a thirteen year old boy. Nobles from all around Herelin travel to bring their city's issues and conundrums before the king.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prince Awul even as a young boy was constantly unsettled by his father’s spineless submission to the temple authority. His father always bent way to the theocracy even on matters in which Awul thought they didn’t have direct jurisdiction. This fostered a childhood resentment of the temple that has lasted well into the modern day of Awul’s reign. His father, more willing to please the temple masters than the Almighty himself, would pay heavy expenses to war efforts of small skirmishes that kept bored people excited with morale rather than to the expansion of the Herelin army and weapons.   At the age of 13, Awul staged an assassination that would frame his mother as the perpetrator. After his father’s death, the crime was investigated and led to the arrest and execution of his mother. Having no other heirs the temple masters would have approved for Awul’s uncle to become the next king had Awul not foreseen this happening as well and planted false evidence of his uncle conspiring with his mother to kill the king and take his place as their new king so he could marry his mother.

Morality & Philosophy

Awul sees himself as the sole competent individual who can lead Herelin into a new age where the people are free from the oppressive yoke of the theocracy. He is willing to use lawful means to achieve these goals, even if those goals come at great harm to others. He has respect for laws and authority up until those things get in the way of his goals to accomplish a greater good.   From a moral standpoint, the actions Awul are willing to take are considered immoral or unethical by most people, as they often involve casualties or harming others for personal gain. But again, that personal gain stands to empower the only individual that can lead his people to a better world.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Awul’s dedication to the “my way or high way” philosophy can quickly turn him from a previous ally to an enemy. Anyone not quick to bend the knee to his will and embrace their place as his underling can find themselves at the end of vague threats of what will happen when their usefulness is at an end.


Religious Views

Like any true firstborn, Awul is of the way and worships the Almighty. He secretly hates the theocracy branch with a vengeful passion and sees their rules and regulations at hindering the people from understanding the Almighty on their own. He believes that the temple keeps the holy tomes to themselves and out of the hands from the people as a method of control.




Towards High King Awul


High King Awul

High King

Towards Jeremiah


Lawful Evil
Current Location
Other Affiliations


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