Knights of the Way Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Knights of the Way

The knights of the way are the legendary group of Herelin's religious military order, renowned for their righteousness, holy devotion, and mastery of invocations. When anyone is born with the power to invoke, they are taken from their family and trained from a young age in all forms of combat, from swordsmanship to archery, the symbolic poleaxe, and they are taught to harness the power of the elements themselves through the use of invoking.   Each temple led by the Grand knight, a chosen champion of the gods, the Knights of the way are a force of light in a world plagued by darkness. Each member of the order is sworn to defend the innocent, vanquish evil, and uphold their code of honor.   The Knights of the way are brought up to harness with the power of serenity, the realm where the Almighty dwells. Through intense physical and spiritual training, they can fight for long periods of time without food, water or sleep.    Despite their formidable power, the Knights of the way are humble and selfless, always putting the needs of others before their own. They are respected and revered by all who know of their deeds, and their name is synonymous with heroism, justice, and righteousness.   These knights are hated by foreign nations but feared by all as passionate warriors who “know no fear” and “rejoice in battle.” They are reported by enemy armies to fight as if they have never ending reserves of morale and vigor. Remaining vigilant against the looming threat of war is a principle in which every knight lives by. When the Almighty returned at the end of the first era, he declared that the firstborn would always have enemies marked by those who hate him.   It was foretold that the formation of other races would be the formation of cultures led by gods who want the destruction of the one true faith. In simpler terms, the way, would need to be fought for to exist for all time. For even if they were to become complacent in times of peace, the enemy gods are stirring and plotting to gather up numbers and power to use in their eventual eradication. These prophecies have been used by the knights to justify their war-centered mentality.   Synonymous with their renown for battle prowess is the ultimate fate of every knight called their "holy commission." Irreverently referred to by others as their "suicide mission." It is considered dishonorable for a knight to die outside of battle as it is seen as a man who was squandering his power during his last days. Ultimately, the mortal body cannot endure the powers of the realms flowing through their body until old age before that power becomes too much for simple flesh and blood. A true knight of the way starts seeking his holy commission when he notices his body becoming weaker from a lifetime of invoking.
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