The Almighty Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The Almighty

Infinite in wisdom, love and mercy. The Almighty is the fabricator of the universe, time and all life that thrives within it. No likeness or idols represent him as nothing created could accurately portray the only uncreated being in the universe. Even the unrepentant, denying the Almighty's right to be the only god worshipped, begrudgingly acknowledge him as the most powerful of deities after his return to Herelin in the end of first era. Where he called the other “gods” to trial in front of the world to assert their claims as the true god of the universe. Every god cowered away from the stand before they were imprisoned for their blasphemy.    At the start of creation He allowed some distance between himself and his creations. Some delari wrongly believed the Almighty had limited sight and would not see them as they asserted themselves as the true gods over the firstborn and told the first lie: that the Almighty had abandoned them. The peoples turn from Almighty in the first era was a terrible sin that stained the world in which he could no longer inhabit.   After the false gods were imprisoned in the void and croya, the Almighty withdrew and resided in his realm known as serenity, unable to abide in the realm of man that was now stained with sin. It is because of an invokers ability to draw on the realm of serenity that the knights of the way are known to live out the horrors of war without losing their softness of heart.   His infinite love and compassion works in perfect synchronization with his character of justice. The wicked will not go unpunished and the unrepentant will not escape eternal confinement in the gelid void where the bitter cold even singes the soul itself. But the king with the righteous scepter will return to Herelin at the end of all the eras to save those who are awaiting his return. Unlike any other deity that takes satisfaction in the obliteration of their enemies, the Almighty expresses sorrow over the unrepentant.

Holy Books & Codes

Accept my light into your heart and purge these things from your souls   1. Do not look on another with hatred, to do so is to dalliance with murder   2. Do not look on one another in lust, to do so is to demean a life into an item   3. Do not seek revenge on one another, to do so is usurpation on my seat of justice   4. Do not divorce your spouse, to do so is to separate what I have brought together   5. Do not omit the truth from one another, to do so is to cover up the words I've spoken   6. Do not love yourself before others, to do so is to is to foster arrogance   7. Do not take what is not yours, to do so is to spit on what I have given you   8. Do not worship what is created, for what is created is inferior to the crafter
Divine Classification


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