Sir Luther Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Sir Luther

Strongly connected with the history of his people, Luther is hesitant to trust other races and views them as tainted creatures that share ancestry with the perfect firstborn the Almighty created. Although Luther is a man who genuinely seeks to do good, his distrust for non-firstborn races for their “inherited sins” is just one of the many harsh teachings that became ingrained through a lifetime of temple upbringing. The only group more worthy of his scorn than other races are those who invoke from the void. It is wholly accepted among the firstborn that void worshippers are evil and drawing on its power inks one’s soul.   Luther is a star citizen, a role model in the eyes of Firstborn society. Tirelessly fighting evil with unwavering faith in “the way.” He will always tell the truth and keep his word and will never resort to making a pact or negotiating with evil under any condition. His code of honor must always see injustice be paid. Unlike Savaric who is altruistic but finds codes of honor restricting, Luther believes the knight’s code of honor guides one flawlessly. He believes in reverence for the theocracy first and royalty second. Obedience to authority and law is among one of the highest importance in the temple knights.   Though reserved, Luther has exceptional skills with people. Of all things aside from duty and tradition, Luther is defined by his yearning to do good for others. Luther takes the time to learn about others and remembers what they are willing to share about themselves. Information about people and their stories even outweighs the knowledge he has of history. Luther is by far the most supportive companion, opting for empathy over judgment for his allies. His judgment comes in a full swing when the script is flipped to a non-human or invoker of void or moon. Even reaching typical levels of condemnation.   One of Luther’s strongest traits is his ability of observation and imagination. Coming up with why and how people are feeling a certain way. Understanding their perspective while still never budging from his own. Showing commitment to the jobs and odd things that show up in life, Luther is loyal to the people and jobs he works with along the way in life.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Cinismancer: Luther advanced the fundamentals of pyromancy in his early adult years. This mastery of pyromancy evolved into his favored invoking power over volcanic ash. His control over searing ash can superheat metals and stone in its path and cook his enemies in an instant. These clouds can be manipulated once left the hand as well, spreading and taking shape. Ash of lesser heat can be used as a simple smoke screen to blind an enemy before finishing them with a hammer blow.   Poleaxe proficiency: Luther has trained extensively with the temple knight's signature weapon. Often aiming for a one shot fight finisher to the head or torso of his opponents.   Noxious fumes: Luther can call forth ash that poisons living tissue and irritates the eyes.   Temple Training: Learning to draw on the realm of Serenity, Luther stays calm and professional during the most dire of battle scenes, never succumbing to fear or panic. He also has minor proficiencies in serenity exclusive invocations such as healing and vigoremmancy which is how he maintains functionality at his old age.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Luther was conscripted into the Temple in Fidelis as a child for displaying strong connections to the realms. Taken at such a young age he can no longer remember his parents faces or where he was from. His only father figure was Sir Roy, the grand knight of Fidelis who died during his holy comission when Luther was sixteen. He quickly rose up in the ranks demonstrating humble leadership, ruthless battle prowess and divine inspired wisdom. In his teens he was already one of the most powerful knights of his generation and relocated to the city of Sother to continue his training. But also to try and move on from the death of the only father figure he had ever known.    Sother is one of Herelin's signature cities and places of advanced invocation training. Even here, Luther did not have much to learn for very long and quickly became the city's grand knight when the previous one lost in a duel to him. His reign as the city's grand knight would continue on for decades to come as his immense invoking power made it almost impossible for any foe or war to slay him. With the powers of serenity flowing through his veins, it seemed that even old age was showing no signs of ending his life.   His longing for the release of death would only intensify after his wife, Mirabel, had passed from natural causes at the age of seventy seven. She was the last life that was connected to his relationships of his former years. Luther would go on to dedicate himself entirely to war and the temple.

Personality Characteristics


As Luther grew older, he began to feel that his time as a warrior was coming to an end. He longed for one last battle, one final chance to prove himself and give his life in what the knights called "the holy commission." He searched far and wide for a worthy opponent, but none seemed to match his skill and strength. He grew increasingly frustrated and despondent, feeling that his quest for a glorious death was futile.    With his youth and optimistic years long behind him, Luther began to suspect he had not found his holy commission because he had failed in his faith. Luther continues to search for his final battle but now searches for answers from a divine source to see if he is still alive due to his own failures.

Virtues & Personality perks

Luther devotes his life to the Almighty who is the source of everything true and good. Luther follows a strict set of rules and laws almost to a fault, bound by those laws even if they conflict with his own sense of what is right and just. In addition to his strict moral code, he values the firstborn culture's attributes: honor, compassion, duty, strength, and respect for others. He strives to be selfless and put the needs of others above his own.

Vices & Personality flaws

His loyalty to the knightly code of honor leaves little room for flexibility.   Biased and reluctant to work with other races.   Trouble separating personal and impersonal situations, especially when one doesn’t feel a need to follow "the way."   Sir Luther represses his feelings, often finding an outlet for them in their next foe.   Luther's commitment to the way and his code of honor means he is reluctant to change and will be the hardest in the group to persuade.


Religious Views

Luther is a servant to the Almighty, the only true deity and denounces the coexistence of any other. He regularly warns others of the return of "the king with the righteous scepter." The king will one day return and reclaim all of Ferrathar under his throne and all will be called "Herelin" once again.    As a Grand Knight, Luther holds the title of the strongest defender of the faith and belongs to "the way." As a devout knight, he spends much of his time in prayer and contemplation, seeking to deepen his understanding of his faith and to draw closer to the divine. He also attends religious services regularly and participate in rituals and practices that are important to his religion.   In addition to his personal spiritual practices, he seeks to live a virtuous and righteous life, guided by the principles of his faith. Following the teachings of the Almighty and demonstrate his example of love, compassion, and sacrifice.


Sir Reigas


Towards Sir Luther


Sir Luther


Towards Sir Reigas


Francis, King of Sother


Towards Sir Luther


Sir Luther


Towards Francis, King of Sother


Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Knight
City of Sother, Herelin
Glowing Green
The Way
Aligned Organization
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