Supreme Leader Terrin Character in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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Supreme Leader Terrin

Something or someone had awakened the malevolent plague that had just started spreading at the time of the Faytilian fleet's arrival to Ferrathar. Seemingly unprovoked from Herelin's point of view, the fleet immediately destroyed the coastal town of "Burnsin" after Terrin had sensed the dark presence of the malevolent plague spreading to some of its villagers. Since then Terrin leads a ruthless campaign across Herelin, trying to take control of the kingdoms that are uninfected and wiping out settlements that contain even a trace of the disease.    He rationalizes his radical actions with the end resulting in the greater good. The few attempts at negotiations with the High King of Herelin have resulted in him unwilling to do what Terrin feels necessary to stop the plague from destroying Ferrathar. If the Herelin king was unwilling to set fire to every town that broke out with the plague, he must take it upon himself to do it.   Leadership over a doomed and dying country was forced upon him, but the untold number of deaths of his people weighed immeasurably on him. His hatred for the malevolent and fear of guilt from being responsible extinction of his race drives him to achieve the end no matter what the means, even if those means include giving one’s soul to the void.   The Terrin of today seems to have made his peace with the kind of dogmatic authority he must be for the greater good of the people. Acceptance of such a harsh truth is what leads to his cold and calculating demeanor, always in calm control of the situation and shrugging off casualty losses with chilling indifference. Despite these things, rare moments will reveal guilt in his actions as he expresses sympathy and remorse for the victims of his causes.   One of the very few things that make Terrin appear to come alive again is the promise of a great battle. The romance of battle still speaks invigoratingly to him as it did to the young teen in search of naive justice that he used to be. One of the very few people he still shows compassion to are his equals in strength but can be very cruel with the weak, inflicting mutilating injuries on his foes to teach them about the loss and suffering the weak must overcome to be strong.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Stellamancer: Terrin can invoke control over space and time, even commanding the destructive power of the sun and other cosmic forces.    Gold Pyromancy: Void users are intrinsically known for wielding the powers of ice but legends tell of another element that’s exclusively loyal to the void user: golden fire. Golden fire can hang in the air as if on clouds of gas and is hotter and more rampant than regular fire.   Essence manipulation: Terrin can cancel out the ability to invoke on weaker opponents and negate the effects that invocations have on himself and the world around him. He is even known to blind an invoker to spiritual presence, muting them from invoking entirely.   Soul shake: Godfrey can weave invocations with his speech and persuasion. Causing others to become weaker in a fight by doubting themselves. His words can charm, intimidate or even drive one insane.   Nemesis Strength: by invoking essence to course through his very body, Godfrey can enhance his own speed and strength to surpass even Savaric.   Legendary swordsman: His sword strokes are so quick and fluid that his continual strikes appear to be a single motion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Terrin's mother had worked as a servant for faytilian's emperor. When she became pregnant with the emperor's child, the empress had her thrown into a furnace while Terrin was still in the womb. But his mother recounted how she felt a great power coming from Terrin, who shielded her from the heat and fire of the furnace. She was able to crawl out of the furnace's exit hatch and escape after the watch had reported sight of her.    Terrin would go on to live his childhood and youth on the run from the emperor and empress of faytilia. Not only did they want the remnant of the affair to be erased, but the emperor now faced the very real threat of Terrin's legitimacy to the throne. With the invoking power of Terrin's abilities apparent, he and his mother sought to hone his gift without any formal training with a modicum of success. But his fledgling invoking abilities were still sufficient to foresee future events and help them evade the emperor's spies...for a time.    Eventually the emperor's pursuit was narrowing his search and their discovery was imminent. Backed into a corner, Terrin had not other option than to give himself over to the "Blood Oath." A ruthless organization of rogue knights and warriors dedicated to opposing the tyrannical empire. Their ethics were questionable at best as they were known for torturing non-militaristic employees of the empire but they were able to train Terrin as an invoker and fighter.    By the time Terrin's mother had died of natural causes, he was already too committed to the blood oath to know any other life. He eventually rose above the ranks and took control of the order himself, disgusted with the leader being content to harass the empire's military and economy instead of waging full on warfare against it. Allying himself and becoming close friends with a corrupt governor, they were able to amass enough resource and military might to eventually overthrow the empire. Once however, they had succeeded, both Terrin and the governor both agreed the blood oath had it's uses but was now an inconvenient band of criminals that needed to be disposed of. Terrin annihilated the order and was given the place as the new emperor's highest ranking General.   Terrin remained as the very last military leader as the malevolent plague nearly wiped out his people some years later. With the government in total chaos and the faytilian people nearing extinction, the people gave their hearts and allegiance to the one leader who promised to bring peace almost overnight. Terrin had waged war against the malevolent as the empire's most esteemed general for twenty years before he claimed the ranking title of faytilia's newly constructed government "Supreme Leader."    Taking inspiration from the historic tale of his people's first arrival to Faytilia one thousand years ago, Terrin constructed a vast fleet to transport one million survivors over the great expanse leading back to Ferrathar. He had compiled every last bit of resources and sacrificed many lives to construct these massive escape ships while defending the last remaining city in a nation overrun with the malevolent.

Morality & Philosophy

Terrin has a strong sense of self-preservation and desire for power, but is willing to work within established social structures, such as governments or religious organizations, to achieve his aims. He may use his position of authority and power to manipulate and control others, and has no qualms about using violence, deceit, or other ruthless tactics to achieve his ends.   While he follows a strict code of conduct, known as "the sacred laws" by his people, he is not necessarily bound by the principles of justice or morality. He may act cruelly or unjustly if he believes it serves his own interests which is always the greater good. In short, he is willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals, as long as they are within the limits of his own personal code of conduct.

Personality Characteristics


Terrin first and foremost endeavors for the survival of his own people after having leadership thrust upon him when their country was soon to be destroyed. He sailed the remainder of his people to Ferrathar to immigrate, but at finding the plague had somehow arrived there as well, he has taken it upon himself once again to annihilate the plague by absolutely any means necessary. This of course now includes, the subjugation of the Herelin nation to the only one qualified to handle the malevolent crisis, himself.


Religious Views

The faytilians ascribe their values to a set of "divinely inspired" tenets known as the sacred laws. When their firstborn and linish ancestors reached the land of faytilia, each side had to bring forth their spiritual leaders to a summit that lasted years, to comprise a list of laws from ancient "Quinate" and ancient tenets of "the way." These laws would not only go on to govern the people for the next thousand years but seen by the faytilians as a means of gaining access to their preferred afterlife of croya or serenity.


Supreme Leader Terrin


Towards Romina




Towards Supreme Leader Terrin


Supreme Leader Terrin


Towards Savaric, The Last Rune Knight


Savaric, The Last Rune Knight


Towards Supreme Leader Terrin


Lawful Evil


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