The Collective Organization in Legacy Wars: Ferrathar Nations | World Anvil
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The Collective

Perhaps the most horrifying of all is the collective’s uncanny possession of government and noble family information. When a rich nobleman is willing to do whatever it takes to uncover the intentions of a hostile noble family, they seldomly seek elsewhere than the collective.   The Collective is the most organized and disciplined group of criminals the world has ever seen. Their mastery of stealth and secrecy has led many to believe their existence is a myth. They would have a network of smugglers and distributors across all of Ferrathar, who transport the drugs and illegal artifacts of dark power across borders and distribute them to their clients. They are perhaps even the wealthiest faction, making thousands of gold every year off of worm moss, white hay and arms/ armaments of dark magic.   They have a strict code of conduct and hierarchy, with leaders who are highly respected and feared. Members of the collective are highly skilled and well-trained in the art of thievery, smuggling, illusion invocations, playing a certain character, interrogation and many other skills. Using their expertise to carry out elaborate schemes and heists.   To avoid detection and capture by law enforcement, the collective uses hidden safe houses and underground networks, expanded from underground dungeons from past eras. They also have close ties to corrupt officials and law enforcement personnel, who turn a blind eye to their activities in exchange for bribes or other forms of compensation.   However, their actions have a destructive impact on society, fueling addiction and crime in the communities where they operate.

"If our sin has a price, we'll pay it off in gold."

Guild, Thieves
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