ARM University Organization in Legends of Enoch | World Anvil
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ARM University

One of the foremost Universities in the Federacy, Allied Resource Management University, or simply known as ARM U, AU or The University on Beautiful, this educational conglomerate was an incredible gamble on behalf of several Guilds and at least two Houses to create the "Largest Independent Center of Learning in Federacy Space."   It takes full advantage of its location on Beautiful, being the de facto entry point for The Fringes. A Guild itself, it has several charters with the Federacy allowing it to perform research and exploration with virtual carte blanche, especially given that all of its interested stakeholders have significant administrative holdings here.   AU has access to many of the more lucrative Guilds , many requiring significant trustworthiness and security. In the last couple of decades, their access to more lucrative worlds has made them the target of rival espionage efforts - and the severity of the threats continues to increase. AU and other exploration gigs are constantly in the midst of "turf beef;" claim jumping is ramping up to the level of outright piracy with privateers - barely legal exploration outfits - using subterfuge and sometimes force to wrest valuable samples and items from AU exploration parties.   In addition, some feel that AU and similar interests are tampering with knowledge and forces they shouldn't be dealing with, and these have recently begun protesting University activities, including some of their research and development actions, especially in the realm of MindTek - devices capable of being used completely by mind, and none of it is currently reproducible by Federacy researchers.

Public Agenda

Provide the best education at an incredible level. Access to general and basic collegiate education is near free, or very inexpensive (just enough to make sure you're serious about doing some college work). Beyond Degree 1 (equivalent of Associate's), the tuition price goes up pretty steeply, and up quite a bit more. However, they have extensive grant and waiver programs, especially for those who forward the realm of education or the interests of the University.


ARM has the unprecedented backing of several guilds and two Houses, which in itself is impressive. But their investment has paid off as they are positioned to access treasures from half of the WINs (Worlds of Ineterest) in the Fringe.   Logistically, they have access to their own fleet of ships of various size and ability.

"Largest Independent Center of Learning in Federacy Space"

Educational, University
Alternative Names
ARM, Unversity, The U, ARM U, AU
Armers, Clusterheads, U-Boy/Girl, University Man/Girl
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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