Araal Kurai Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Araal Kurai (Are-all Core-I)

The current leader of Horoth's Siegebreakers. After Sprizen had left Eternity to ascend to Deos' realm, he took Sprizen's place as head councilman. Ever since the Fafnian civil war in the first age, the Kurai bloodline has been a close ally to the Akkamara name.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born into the military life. Like all Doh'garans, he was trained how to use the blade from the mement he could hold one. He joined Doh'garus' military at a young age, and climbed the ranks until he was able to join Horoth's Siegebreakers. Something about the Zaerta just locked his gaze. To ride one was the single greatest thing to him. The great metal winged armor made him feel powerful. He had found his place.    During his time with the Siegebreakers, he aided Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth in his hunt for the cult. He aided Crotaous in his transition of power, and aided Sprizen in learning how to wield a blade. When Crotaous died, and Sprizen was banished, Araal took Crotaous' place until such time when Sprizen returned. During Kainox's second conquest, he lost his wife in the fires of a coastal battle. He exacted his revenge on the orc warchief that struck the blow, and has regretted it ever since. When Sprizen returned, and refused to take control of Horoth's Siegebreakers, the role was given to Araal Kurai. He has kept that role ever since. After Sprizen had ascended to Deos' realm, he took Sprizen's place at head council. He has led the council well.

Gender Identity

He knows the form that he was made in, and refuses to change it.


He had a wife in his middling years, but was forced to watch as she was taken from him by an orc warchief.


He is a very inteligent draconin. He is able to think on his feet, and solve any problem that comes his way in little time.


He has spent his entire adult life as a soldier. First, he was with Doh'garus' standard military, but as he climbed the ranks, and eventually, found himself in the lead role of Horoth's Siegebreakers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Led the charge to force the orc hoard off of Doh'garus' shores.

Failures & Embarrassments

His charge wasn't quick enough to spare his beloved from a gruesome fate.

Mental Trauma

"Mere seconds! Only a few more seconds, and I would have been there! I could have saved her, but I failed, as I have a great many things."

Personality Characteristics


He lives to serve. From the beginning, he has only followed instructions, and completed tasks given to him by the Akkamara bloodline. Now that he is the one giving the tasks, he simply doesn't know what to do.


His position is new, and he has not had the time to make any big changes.
Current Status
Leading the Doh'garus council.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He is the leader of Horoth's Siegebreakers, and is the head councilman to Doh'garus.
Year of Birth
958 P.A. 47 Years old
Akkara, capitol of Doh'garus
Yellow, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
red scales
~400 lbs. muscular
Follows the draconic sect of the common religion.
Known Languages
He knows draconic, and the common language.


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