Dares Pass Voyage Prose in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Dares Pass Voyage

Ah, for just one time, I would take the dares pass voyage
To find the ship of Clarin Belgwen at Midor's southern shores
Chasing one dim light, through a deep and narrow passage
to make the dares pass voyage to the sea
  Eastward from Fafnia's shores is where 'twas set to light
A safe rout for Theorium trade for which too many died
Seeking its glowing beauty and a way around the fold
To avoid the pirates of the sins of olde
  Ah, for just one time, I would take the dares pass voyage
To find the ship of Clarin Belgwen at Midor's southern shores
Chasing one dim light, through a deep and narrow passage
to make the dares pass voyage to the sea
Five centuries thereafter, we take passage through this way
It privides a safe rout to avoid all our lives to pay
Watching mountains rise before me and behind me sink again
The stories of all who sail this way glide across the page
  Ah, for just one time, I would take the dares pass voyage
To find the ship of Clarin Belgwen at Midor's southern shores
Chasing one dim light, through a deep and narrow passage
to make the dares pass voyage to the sea
  All through the night behind the wheel the current takes me west
We avoid all the dangers the pirates and all of the rest
to go to the Midor Mountains, and return to the sea
To race the currents that take us to the east
  Ah, for just one time, I would take the dares pass voyage
To find the ship of Clarin Belgwen at Midor's southern shores
Chasing one dim light, through a deep and narrow passage
to make the dares pass voyage to the sea
  How is this pass different from any other way
Like them it has the current that will carry you away
Still it gives us passage to Midor's shores and then
It provides for us a road back home again
  Ah, for just one time, I would take the dares pass voyage
To find the ship of Clarin Belgwen at Midor's southern shores
Chasing one dim light, through a deep and narrow passage
to make the dares pass voyage to the sea

This song, written by Theren Nightsinger recalls how the draconin sailor, Clarin Belgwen discovered that traders can use Dares pass as a trade rout to avoid the elven pirates.


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