Clarin Belgwen Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Clarin Belgwen (Clair-in Bell-gwen)

The draconin sailor that discovered the ability to use Dares Pass as a trade rout between Dogarus and Midor. She was moved to do so after a elven pirate raid was launced on her own ship. She was the only survivor, and her hat wa from the captain of that ship, whom she killed.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

She is known by most by the elven pirate hat she carries around. Any who see it know immidiately that she is not to be messed with, as taking down an elven pirate is no small task. The nose ring, though not viewed as wierd, or in any other way bad, does stand out among other draconin, as generally, they don't get piercings anywhere.

Apparel & Accessories

The elven hat is her greatest piece, though she never wears it, it is always on her person in some way. The long leather jacket was made custom to her fit by a tailor in Heodar. The earthstone pendant, with gold braided chain was gifted to her by her one love.

Specialized Equipment

The earthstone pendant allows her to lace her rapier's blade in acid, giving it a deadlier edge.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born on her father's ship during a trade mission to Midor. From the very biginning, she was a sailor. Be it trade, exploration, or escort, she loved life on the sea. One day, she was on a merchants trip to the northern end of Heodar. Elven pirates had recently become a problem, and they turned their gaze to her ship, and crew. The raid was short, but bloody. She beheaded the captain of that ship, and forced a retreat from the pirates. She was the only survivor.    Once she assembled herself a new crew, she sought a solution to the prevoious problem. The only solution in sight was thought to be suicide. Dares Pass had currents faster than anything else on Eternity, or even the old world. Still, she sailed the pass, and used the currents to her advantage. Those currents carried her from Fafnia, to Midor over night. Not a single elven pirate flag was seen.   She revolutionized trade, and made it safer for tens of thousands of taders draconin, and dwarf. She died during a doom cage when her fathers ship, the same ship she was born on, sunk to the bottom of Dares Pass.


She had exactly one love. She never married the man, as she died on her way to do so.


She knows how to fight, and how to sail, not nuch else.


She spent her entire life as a sailor for hire. Be it trade, escort, or exploration, if you paid her enough, she'd take you anywhere.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She found that Dares Pass was a fster, and safer trade rout, and it made trade safer for every draconin, and dwarf traders.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sh died tryingto proe it is possible to sail Dares Pass during a doom cage,

Mental Trauma

"My entire crew! How is it possible they killed my entire crew?! I spent most of my life with those men. I called every last one of them my friends. Now their gone, and I am left here with nothing."

Personality Characteristics


She loves a life of adventure. But, not just any adventure. She wants to have her adventures on the sea. However, money is required to launce these adventures, so she offers services to launch said adventures, and eventually those services became her adventures.

Virtues & Personality perks

She will not let her crew come to harm. She did that once, never again.

Vices & Personality flaws

Once she has made a decision, she is inmovable in that decision.


Religious Views

She is inmovable in the notion that Deos made Eternity. In her mind, Deos came forth with the plan to move the good people of the old world to Eternity. How could he not have made this world?

Social Aptitude

She is an extremely extroverted draconin woman. She will openly greet anyone that comes near her ship, and offer them every coutesy. Very few ever see her in a negative state of mind. She does this to mask the trauma that came with losing her first crew.


Her voice is gentile, though energetic. She is not afraid to let herself be heard. She tends to favor the draconic proverb, "Strength begins in the mind."

Wealth & Financial state

A sailor for hire is a very lucrative business. Her wealth was greater than most other draconin. She was the type to never be in dept to anyone, and would not let anyone be in debt to her.
neutral good
Current Status
Date of Birth
14th of Aurus, 317 P.A.
Date of Death
22nd of Tineunar, 350P.A.
317 P.A. 350 P.A. 33 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born on the sea, on her father's ship.
Circumstances of Death
Died during a Doom Cage on her father's ship.
Light blue, reptilian
A wig of decorative feathers plucked from seafaring birds.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
midnight black scales.
245 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Oh, I dare."
Owned Vehicles
Deos (the creator)
Known Languages
She knows draconic, common, and dwarvish.

Cover image: by Me with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me with the use of A.I.


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