The Halfling North Organization in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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The Halfling North

The twenty city-states of the halfling north. The Halflings that came from the old world couldn't decide who should lead them on the new. With tensions rising, they found the only solution was to divide the power. In the end, twenty city-states were formed. Each one with its own leader.


They believe that violence is unnecessary in all, but the most extreme of situations. Instead, things must be solved via diplomatic means. Violence of any form is outlawed within the walls of most of the city-states.

Public Agenda

They hope to build a name for themselves. Not through violence, like the draconin, or the forges, like the dwarves, but with political might.


The Halfling North takes solace in the fact that they have direct ties to every nation on Eternity. If trouble should rise on the horizon, they can rely on at least one nation to assist.


The halfling north came to be, as a result of a dispute of power. The halflings who escaped a dying old world couldn't decide who should lead them. As the tension rose, they divided the power into twenty city-states. These city states made bonds with the other nations. They Make friends with a few, that are allied with the others. That way, if any nation chooses they want to go to war with them, they are forced to fight their allies as well.   The Halfling North collapsed as a result of Eternal's corruption starting wars within the Halfling North. It turned the once twenty city-states into three small nations.

Foreign Relations

They have ties to most nations. Those they don't have direct relations with, are allied to the ones they do have direct relations with. This is to avoid any wars. If any who are not already their allies decide they want to go to war with them, they are forced to fight their allies as well. They do frequent trade with Midor, and have defense contracts with Dogarus.


All forms of violence are banned in most city-states. No Halfling is allowed to carry a weapon, unless they are law enforcement. Any caught with a weapon in their position, are immediately sentenced to at least six years in the local prison.


Boats are the main form of infrastructure for the Halfling North. They are the main form of transport between city-states, as most of them have access to coastal waters. Those who don't, have access to rivers that feed into the sea.

5 P.A. - 558 P.A.

Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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