Sereth Akkamara Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Sereth Akkamara

The son of Sprizen, and Sudea Akkamara. He was born into wealth, with a heart of pure gold. He had everything he could ever need. Loving parents, a roof over his head, and a promising place among draconic society. Like all good things, he was gone too soon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a healthy young boy, able to lift over ninety pounds with relative ease, and able to run faster than most of his peers.

Specialized Equipment

When his father found out that Sereth prefered the glaive, he acted accordingly. Sprizen went down to the forges, and made his son a small glaive to train with. He gave Sereth the glave for his tenth birthday.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born unto the Doh'garus council members Sprizen, and Sudea Akkamara. From the beginning, his father was fully invested in the boy. This built a strong bond between the two. His was a standard upbringing. Once he was strong enough to wield a blade, Sprizen taught him how. He favored the glaive above all others. He did better than most other draconin his age. All he ever cared about was trying to be just like his father.    One night, shortly after his tenth birthday, he had just been put to bed, Sprizen, and Sudea were out back sparing. He heard unfamiliar footsteps approaching his room. He went to the window, and called his father, right as the man burst into his room. Sprizen charged in as his son screamed. He was too late. A Doom Steel stab wound to the chest could not be healed by a templar. He died in Sprizen's arms, and something in Sprizen died with him.


He was about at the same level as other draconin his age.

Mental Trauma

"Sometimes, when daddy thinks he's alone, I see him crying to himself. He hasn't told me why. I don't want him to be sad. When he's sad, it makes me sad. I wish I knew how to make him not sad."

Morality & Philosophy

The child has a heart of pure gold. Every time he sees someone else in need of anything, he rushes in to help in any way he can. Everyone quickly became familiar with the boy, and loved him. Though not nearly as much as Sprizen, and Sudea did.


He will never intentionally disrespect his elders. He knows that they know more than him, and he tries his best to listen.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

He loves watching the sunset over the Dragon Peaks. He had just been introduced to the genre of music called Battle Tone, and was instantly hooked. He has never been fond of snow. He doesn't like the cold. He gets that from his father.


Religious Views

He doesn't know really how everything came to be, he is just going by what his father says.

Social Aptitude

He is extremely extroverted, able to make friends everywhere he goes. Once he starts a task, nothing can stop this child.


His speech is gentle, but energetic. He favors the phrase, "Everyone has purpose." He likes to tell that to his father whenever he sees his father distraught over something. He often follows up with "We just need to find yours."


Sprizen Akkamara

Father (Vital)

Towards Sereth Akkamara



Sereth Akkamara

Son (Vital)

Towards Sprizen Akkamara




Sereth was born into Sprizen's family, and was welcome with open arms. Sprizen poured his all into raising Sereth to be the best that he can be. The two did everything togeather. Sprizen taught Sereth how to use the blade, and Sereth learned well. Sadly, it was not to last. In the middle of the night, Sereth was killed by mercinaries. He died in Sprizen's arms as Sprizen sang a soft song to give his dying child one last semblence of comfort. Sereth's dying words were, "Its okay daddy, We'll meet again some day."

Relationship Reasoning

Sprizen was Sereth's father. Not only was it Sprizen's duty, but he jumped into the task of raising the child.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have a distinct love for music, in all of its many forms. They both however, find themseves strongly leaning towards draconic battle tone.

Shared Secrets

One weekend, while Sudea was in Fafnia on business with the Pillar Warriors, Sprizen took Sereth to a consert held by Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth. They never told Sudea of this.

Sereth Akkamara

Son (Vital)

Towards Sudea Akkamara



Sudea Akkamara

Mother (Vital)

Towards Sereth Akkamara




Sereth was born into the Akkamara family, with Sudea being the mother. While Sprizen taught Sereth how to wield a blade, and how magic works, Sudea taught Sereth about the divine realm. Sereth knew more about the divine realm, and its magic than nearly all other draconin his age. This knowledge, and common interest brought him closer to his mother. Shortly before his tenth birthday, Sereth told his mother how he wanted to one day become a templar, or prophet, and serve Doh'garus at his father's side, with uncle Araal. Sadly, it never came to be. Shortly after his tenth birthday, Sereth was killed by a group of mercinaries. Sudea believed that seeking revenge would be the wrong way to come to terms with this loss. She didn't know what to do. All she could do was try to stop Sprizen from exacting his revenge.

Relationship Reasoning

Sudea, being the mother, it was her duty to raise the child. She thought it the greatest thing ever. Greater than wielding Horoth's divine power, greater than bein a Pillar Warrior, even greater than the adventures she had with Sprizen.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have a need to know more about the divine realm, and its magic.

Shared Secrets

Once, while Sprizen was on a diplomatic journey to Brimbaria, Sudea took Sereth to Fafnia, and intoduced him to some of her old Pillar Warrior friends.

Lawful Good
Current Status
990 P.A. 1000 P.A. 10 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a band of mercenaries.
Blue, gentle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
copper scales
85 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Its okay daddy, I'll see you again some day."
Follows the draconic religion
Known Languages
He only knew the draconic language. He had only just started learning the common language.
Appears in...

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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Nov 7, 2023 12:16

You make the kid look cute and made him innocent. I dislike his death even more now.   The glaive. I thought you were talking about the one from warframe had had to look up what one looked like.   Then you made his character story short just like his life and for some reason i keep feeling like he was fodder for his fathers growth. It would be nice if you could make short stories about how they got along as a family and really connect people to sereth. Like him learning lessons and just being a kid.   Thats just how i feel. This article itself makes me more angry about his death and i feel like thats the point.   I say good job

Nov 8, 2023 03:36

Thanks, short stories are coming.... eventually. Probably not in the near future, but in the future none the less. Thank you for your kind words, and the feedback.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16