The Redemption Vehicle in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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The Redemption

The ship owned, and captained by Clarin Belgwen, draconin sailor fo hire. Though small, this ship can hold its own in almost any situation. It has survived elven pirate raids, and storms of the extreme. The only thing it could not face, was the Doom Cage. Her captain sank with the ship, and the legacy of both is sealed in the history ooks, and codexes of Eternity's halls.


Six larg sails catch Eternity's winds, and pull the ship forwards.

Weapons & Armament

A single balista lies under the deck. Should the ship find itself under attack, trap doors in the deck reveal the weapon.

Armor and defense

It does not have much in way of defence, only about ten inches of wood protect the ship, and its crew.
Creation Date
Built in Anorin, 276 P.A.
Destruction Date
350, during that year's Doom Cage.
It cost Clarin's father 20,00 Theorium Coins to purchase the ship.
Only one ever existed, and it no longer is sailing Eternity's seas.
170 feet
100 feet
With the right wind, this small ship can reach speeds of thirty knots.
Complement / Crew
About thirty draconin are needed to crew this vessel.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Its cargo hold can carry up to fifty cubic feet of goods.


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