Valros Akkamara Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Valros Akkamara

The general of the Doh'garus Militia, and first head councilman of the nation he had forged. He was forced to kill his draconic brethren, and tear Fafnia in two in order to liberate the people that looked to him. His lead was long, and prosperous. He drove the draconic nation Doh'garus into a bright future, and lead Horoth's Siegebreakers to their first victories.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His time using hammer, and anvil built his strength well. Though not particularly fast, his experience with mount makes him able to ride any creature large enough.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born into a tyrannical nation. The rule of their first, and second kings was cruel. He watched his father be taken simply for being out after dark. All his life, he lived in fear of the Fafnian law coming down on himself, and the ones he loved. He stood against this tyranny, and his friends joined him. And their friend s joined them. The cycle continued, until the Doh'garus Militia was formed. This militia waged its war against Fafnia, and drove themselves through the heart of Fafnia. Fafnia pushed back. He was not present for the first part of the first battle. He spent the beginning of that battle finding five hundred draconin, soldiers, and mounted them on five hundred Zaerta. He armed them with armor, and weapons, and lead them into victory. He was the first head council member, and the first Siegebreak Commander. After a few years, he found love. He had children and made sure he was the father that his father couldn't be. He died a peaceful death, surrounded by his loved ones, and his eldest son took his place as head councilman.

Gender Identity

He knows the form Deos made him in, and does not intend to change it.


He only ever married one woman. She was all he ever needed. He had children, and was there for them in the same way his father couldn't be.


He was fed propaganda about how Fafnia is only the greatest nation on Eternity. He knew better because he had watched his father be taken from him. He was taught basic life skills, and how to maintain his life, financially and physically.


He started his adult life as a black smith. Forging weapons for Fafnia's army, and he forged weapons for his own in secret. Once he had the weapons to supply his army, he started the life of a soldier. He led the charge against Fafnia, and won.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He forged his nation, and made Horoth's Siegebreakers. He formed, and led a council of six. He gave freedom to all who stood with him.

Mental Trauma

"How will I know how to be a good father when I never had one. Horoth's blade, I'm a soldier, not a father. But I am a father."

Personality Characteristics


He is done with the life of fear. He will not bend the knee, or face the dirt. He forges his own path, and will make sure others get that choice as well.
Current Status
Date of Birth
3rd day of the 12th month 42 P.A.
Date of Death
29th day of the 7th month, 161 P.A.
42 P.A. 161 P.A. 119 years old
Blue Reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Copper Scales
300 lbs.
Deos (Creator)
Known Languages
He knows only draconic, and the common tongue.
Founded Settlements

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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Oct 12, 2023 20:26 by Romaine Ruddy

damn...what a legend, hope his children are happy

Oct 12, 2023 20:45

Well, they grew up in a free nation. Thank you so much for your kind words!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16