Akkara Settlement in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Akkara (A-car-uh)

Named after Valros Akkamara, and the Akkamara name, this is the coastal capital of Doh'garus, and the largest of Doh'garus' three major ports. It is here that the Doh'garus council gathers, and governs Doh'garus. It is the birthplace of many draconin heros, and villains. It is the home of Horoth's Siegebreakers, and many more of Eternity's strongest soldiers.


With a population of around eight hundred thousand, twenty percent of them currently in military service. The city consists of about ninety-nine percent Draconin, and around one percent of other assorted races, with maybe a couple of munren (none of them are perminent residents). Around righty percent of the draconin being of the Doh'garan culture. All draconin of age twenty-three or higher has at least some military experiance as it is required that they searve for at least a year.


The city, (and by extention, all of Doh'garus) is governed by the Doh'garus council. When Doh'garus was first formed, the power was divided among six different draconin bloodlines, one for each of the six generals. These generals led the Doh'garus miltia during the Fafnian civil war, the war that forged Doh'garus. The council is divided into three tiers, the head councilman has the final say on most matters. However, that final say is heavilly influenced by the opinions, and input from the other two tiers. The second tier, but the most respected is the Militaristic council tier. Two members of the council manage Doh'garus' military from this tier. Just below them, is the diplomatic council members. Three bloodlines occupy this tier. As the name suggests, they handle all the foreign relations that effect Doh'garus.   The laws of Doh'garus don't differ too much from other nations. The biggest difference being that every draconin, male and female, after forging their blade must serve in Doh'garus' military for at least one year. This helps strengthen the nation, and its population.


The city is surrounded by enourmous walls that reach heights of mearly seventy feet. Balistas are in every turret around this wall. Horoth's Siegebreakers make their home in the center of this city, and serve as its police force, and protectors.

Industry & Trade

Popular industries include mining, smithing, and trade. Those who pursue the mining industry often work mining for scale stone. A red metal that by itself is almost useless, but when mixed with theorium makes the material even stronger. The mix is called Bloodplate. Draconis smithing is different from other nations. The profession is all but dominated by males as it is the males that breathe fire. Doh'garus will trade their uniquely smithed weapons, and their scalestone, and their bloodplate to other nations in exchange for resources.


The city of Akkara is the major port of Doh'garus. They built the city with a fresh water stream to its northeast. In its northern end is a road that splits into three more roads, and leads any travelers to the other villages, towns, and cities of Doh'garus.


The port district, in its southern end is a bastion of trade, and comerce. Nothing like some of Midor's ports, but is still a major location for the activity never the less. Just above that is the central district. This is where most of the population makes its home. At the southern end of this central districe, at the line between the port, and central districts is the massive temple where the people come to worship Horoth, Arotha, and Deos. This is also where the Doh'garus council meets The northern end is the farming district. This is the smallest district, and least desnse. These "farms" are more like ranches. They have more livestock than crops. Some of these rances are employed by the Doh'garus council to breed Zaerta for Horoth's Siegebreakers.


All the equipment used by Horoth's Siegebreakers is stored near the massive temple in the central district. All the wealth of the nation is stored in a massive vault under the massive temple, and is guarded by two dozen Siegebreakers at all times.

Guilds and Factions

The greatest of Doh'garus' guilds is the militia's guild. All who are a member of this guild are not officially a member of Doh'garus' military, but is expected to defend their home should an enemy force sail, or march over the horizon. The benifit to joining this guild is you have access to all the equipment of Doh'garus' army, and get to join the fight, but are not required to go forth, and leave home by order of Doh'garus' council like you would be if you were a part of their military.


The city was first named New Driah, after the city Driah (translation from old draconic being, Place of Dragons) from the old world. It was the closest major city to Doh'garus' greatest site, being Siegebreak Fields. It was renamed Akkara by the people after the general that led the Doh'garus militia as a whole, and the first to rise against Fafnia in the beginning of the Fafnian Civil War: Valros Akkamara. He was the first draconin to occupy the head council possition. Under him was his friend, who occupied a militaristic council position as the Netumbe name.   When the orcs made their first conquest attempt, they dominated most of Eternity. When they reached Doh'garus, and Fafnia's shores, the two pushed the orcs back to their wilderness. In doing so, they not only freed all other nations, but secured their names as the most powerful militaristc power in all Eternity.   Over time, the Netumbe, and Akkamara bloodlines had differing views as to how the nation should be governed. The netumbe bloodline would have a tight hold on the people, while the Akkamara name insisted upon maintaining the people's freedom. Over time, the two bloodlines formed a rivalry. When the Akkamara bloodline lost a war against Heodar, the Netumbe put the blame upon the Akkamara name, and they were reduced from head council, to the lowest of the diplomatic council. The Netumbe bloodline took head position.   After a while, the Akkamara bloodline, occupied by Hadria Akkamara would earn a more respectible council position through stoping the Brimbarian Pirate Clans from attacking Doh'garus' northern shores. Still, the Netumbe bloodline had control. In the third age, two of the last three remaining of the original bloodlnes would join themselves togeather through marrage. These were the Akkamara name, (Crotaous Akkamara) and the Faedris name (Sathona Akkamara-Faedris). This caused strife among the Doh'garus council. Though, the situation was eventually figured out, and the two would go on to have a son. This boy was named Sprizen.   When Sprizen was at the age of twenty-three, he and his father would have a sparing match, where magic, previously hidden to Sprizen would make itself known. The event killed Crotaous, and Sprizen was banished from Doh'garus to redeem himself. A close ally of the Akkamara name, Araal Kurai would take Crotaous' place until a suitable replacement could be found. Not long after, orcs marched on Doh'garus' shores. Araal led the Siegebreakers to push the orcs off of Doh'garus' shores. Within the next month, the orcs retreated, and Sprizen Akkamara stood at Akkara's gates. The boy was now surrounded by floating arcane strands, and was ascendant, with great wings protruding from his back. He had the orc warlord in chains, and said how he stopped the second orc conquest.   The boy was redeemed, and Araal stepped down for Sprizen to take his fahter's place. Sprizen stood up to The Netube line's views, and did so mostly successfully. less than a year later, Sprizen, and his beloved, Sudea Haedros had decided they wanted to marry. The only thing that could possibly get in the way was the fact that Sprizen was a Doh'garus council member, and Sudea was the daughter of a Fafnian duke. To marry would either cause an alliance, or a war. They needed the aproval of both sides if they were to go forward with it. While the Netumbe bloodline was biased against the Akkamara name, and another bloodline refused to take sides on the matter, Sprizen managed to get the others to agree, giving Doh'garus a majority. Sudea, being the daughter of a duke managed to get her father to get Fafnia's king to agree to the alliance. And, is was so.   Four yeas later, Sudea was with child. An heir to Sprizen's position. She was due within the month. Sprizen was sent to meet the new darven king. He returned sooner than expected, not knowing what to do. The new dwarven king was obvoisly not himself, borderline ill. Sprizen didn't know if it was magical in nature, or not. A couple days later, a dwarven army marched on the shores of Akkara. Horoth's Siegebreakers won the day, at the cost of a council member. Sathona Akkamara, mother of Sprizen was killed by dwarven blade. Sudea had followed Sprizen onto the battlefield, dispite how he had said she couldn't fight in her current state. She nearly fell that day as well. Luckilly, a healer was able to get to her, and the child in time. Sprizen would place Araal in his place once more, with the instructions to not let Netumbe burn Doh'garus while he went to go talk some sense into Midor's new king. Once again, Sudea followed against Sprizen's wishes.   While he was gone, the netumbe bloodline, currently occupied by a draconin named Selas tried to tear down everything Sprizen had accomplished. Araal managed to stop him for just long enough so Sprizen could return. Sprizen returned with a tale of Eternal's corruption, and a king who's soul has been freed from said corruption. There was still one issue. Who would take the now empty council position? While most said Araal should keep the position, including Selas, he said it was not his place. Sprizen said Sudea should step up to the position. Every council member exept the Netumbe bloodline agreed. A few days after it was made offricial, Sudea gave birth to a healthy draconin boy, whom she, and Sprizen named Sereth.    There was peace, for a time. Sprizen had found peace in his role as a father. Sadly, like all things, it came to an end, too soon. Shortly after his tenth, young Sereth Akkamara was murdered in the night by a band of mercinaries. Sprizen went off to find vengence, and violated his refusal to kill. Once again, Sudea followed, contrary to Sprizen's wishes. It was kept secret that he had gone to find vengence, and no one outside of Sprizen, and Sudea knows weather or not he found his vengence. It was discovered that the Netumbe bloodline had hired the mercinaries. He and Sprizen had an epic battle wich revealed that Selas was a member of the Children of the Eternals. Sprizen was victorious, and stripped Selas of his power, and status. He did to Selas what Selas did to Sprizen many years ago. He banished him. THat was the last anyone had ever heard of Selas. Sprizen assumed the head council, and the leader of Horoth's Siegebreakers left the military to join the council, giving the lead of the Siegebreakers to Araal Kurai.   Two years later, Eternity itself starts to collapse. A ancient serpant, thought to never awake, awoke. It raveged the surrounding area, and Sprizen, being the most powerful being to walk on the physical plane of Eternity, was forced to slay the beast. The Deadlands were engulfed in a dark green magic storm that was calling Sprizen. He, ans Sudea left to go face the comming threat. Only Sudea returned. She said of how Sprizen had to ascent to Deos' realm to maintain its stability. Weather or not this is true, people debate. Whatever is the truth, it seemed to stabilize Eternity. Now, Araal was forced to take Sprizen's place at head council. Now Sudea raises her second son. She claims that the boy was concieved on Sprizen's final night on Eternity, saying he returned for one day, to say goodbye, and that he woulds see her again.   Now, Both Sudea Akkamara, and Araal Kurai are leading the charge against the Children of the Eternals.

Points of interest

Doh'garus has the single largest religious temple in all of Eternity. Their port is the physically largest in all of Eternity. Less than a day's journey by mount to the north-east will take you to Siegebreak Fields.


The draconin of both Doh'garus, and Fafnia proudly display their draconic origin in all things. Great dragon statues on either side of the port's entrence, and other dragon statues found all throughout the city.


It is mostly flat, though off in the distance, you can see Dragon Peaks. In the distance behind them, you can see the Midor Mountains. To see the sunset over the two ranges is almost to enter another world entirely.


It is warmer, and more humid than most of Eternity, making it suitable for the draconin who call it home. It has short winters, and hot summers. During the transition stage between Summer, and autumn, when the Doom Cage ripps on the other side of the Dragon Peaks, the view from the top of the massive temple in the central district is the single greatest view of the event in all of Eternity.

Natural Resources

Their greatest natural resource is the scale stone. A red metal that has few practical uses outside of decoration. However, it is of great value because when mixed with theorium, it makes the theorium even stronger, and gives it a red color. However, it looses its ability to glow.
Founding Date
82 P.A.
Owning Organization


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