Legends of eternity: war of the eternals The Corruption of the Halfling North
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The Corruption of the Halfling North

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The Eternals seek to dispose of every mortal being that infests Eternity, no matter how small they may appear, they realize that they are no weaker than the others.

Anton Henrus was an ambassador to his city-state, Aes-Vri. He was one of their most effective negotiators, as he was able to convince the other city-states, and even some nations to grant trade them the resources that they needed for minimum price on a regular basis. At his side was a woman named Lena Rosedew. She was rather attractive for a halfling, and many considered him lucky to have her even as an ally, let alone a lover.   He had direct contact with his city-state's leader, and over time, he noticed changes in his behavior. He was angrier, and seemed to pay more, and more attention to Lena. When asked about this, the soarce of the behavior change was made known. He was corupted by an Eternal. This one, fed his lust, as he lashed out at Anton claiming that Lena was his prize, and no one else's. The evil magic nearly destroyed the capitol building, and nearly killed Anton.   The first thing on Anton's mind, was how Lena was no longer safe in Aes-vri, so they went to Port Moonfall, where they thought they'd be safe. They were wrong. The rougues, and rangers of Aes-vri attacked Moonfall, and the leader of Aes-Vri was leading them. They fled south, towards Heodar. There, they spent months running from Aes-Vri's leader, unable to loose him. Eventually, they were unable tu run any further. They were cornered. Anton knew little in way of magic, and Lena knew no magic. The only spell he knew was an arcane seeker. However, artificial magic was unpredictable. He cast the spell once, and for a brief moment, he managed to separate his leader from the Eternal.   Again, and again, he cast this spell. Most times, it worked. Sometimes, the magic fizzled out, and sometimes, the magic did something unexpected, though nothing too serious. Until the second to last casting, when it created an arcane flame that nearly killed Anton. Lena drew her blade, and held off the corrupted leader long enough to allow Anton to stand, and cast the spell one last time. The Eternal was already almost separated, this last casting pushed it into the next realm. Anton recieved the same message that Belimir, and Sojern had before him. His leader was free from the corruption, and they all returned to the Halfling North. When they arrived, they found that their home, had become a battleground.   Anton had saved the one he loved, and freed his leader from the Eternals' grasp, but at what cost.

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