Nahamira Organization in Leikvöllur | World Anvil
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Nahamira, the Kingdom of beauty, grace and assasination. Walk this land with caution...


King, Amaelim (a ruler of a smaller city or province), Dini (a religious representative)

Public Agenda

Nahamira is suffering a terrorist crisis as many groups have attacked the royal family and religious institutions. Their motivations are unclear but the King is determined to find why and who.


The kingdom is currently in Ah'Fakhur era. He was the revolutionary who rebelled against the last king and his bloodline and, through strengh and belives, he sat in the throne and created the third era. His bloodline is still running today as the current king, Al'Qawiun is his grand, grandson. Before that stanted the era of the Bloodthirsty king, Safah and the earliest was the bloodline of Almuneazil. Before this era, times get pretty mixed up and we know almost nothing of those who were there before Almuneazil.

Demography and Population

Concentrated along the costline, the population is trapped between sea and river./ anything behjin that is either desert or mountains, no place to live. One could say that the population isnt growing very fast, and it is true, however it is defenitly not declining. In average, there is around 5 childrens per housing and the birth rate is 6% superior to the death rate. (106 birth for 100 death). There is however a beduin population in the desert, but no numbers are linked to them.


The country lies between the costline and the rivers, in many oasis that morms there. Otherwise, the rest of the continent is a natural disasten in in intself and no one could survive it except for a few beduins.


The Guard act as the lawkeeper in the country while the army, especially the cavallery is kept for war times.


The cult to the Mother God is the most present, and alsmot everyone practices it. Temples reunites people in communities to sing and dance and tell their achivements to the Mother God. The religious representatives hold a place of conforters and advisors with the King.

Foreign Relations

Nahamira sells and buy a lot overseas, to Gaisgaich mainly, and soon to Eldjfall also.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture is strong in the Delta. Dried dates are the number one product of this region, followed by many rich spices. Off to the North, around the city of Hakim, Dry sates are also produces, but also dyes and silk. The beutifull tissues of Hakim made it's glory. Al'Soukarh is known for it's book writers and their knowledge, but also for their jewlery and fine work of the soft metals and beutifull jewels that form rich, eye-catching adn impressive works of art, costin sometimes hundreds.

Trade & Transport

The paved roads that link the cities in the country itself are nothing compared to the power of oversea trading and the Port-City Fakar. The cargo ships can hold any wind and any rain, andy thunder and any whims of the sea.


Education is directly linked to your family. If you know someone who know someone who is an intellectual, or if you have money, you will be well educated. This is why communities are so important; they bring a social link that can guarantee you acces to knowledge, and so, power.


Most of the city have perfect roads, many temples and densly packed housing. The grand palace of Al'Soukarh is unique and very much innimitable.

Mythology & Lore

The Mother God birthed all things and raised them until they could walk by themeselfs. Now, she watches and listen to the stories of thoses whe birthed.

Divine Origins

A lot of historians suppose that it was a deformation overtime of ancient myths.

Cosmological Views

The Mother birthes, and raises, so that all things can thrive on their own.

Tenets of Faith

You shall be proud of what the Mother gave you, and you shall worship you achievements as much as Her Might be the most ilmportant and mostly followed.


The Mother God wishes for her childrens to be proud of their achivements and to work hark for who they are. It is sin-like to disrespect the awards of someone, because it shows that you are jealous and that instead of fighting to be better, you bring others down.


Naharates worship Her by singing songs and praises about yuour actions and her creations.


The devoted to the Mother wear usually modest clothing, for they do not need any shine to show pride in any way. Their pride is signified by the fact that they pray everyday and dedicate their life to the Goddess.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Most of the religions representants are also advisors for the king.

fi alkibria' yakmun almjd : In pride lies the glory

Founding Date
The founding is around the year 4
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Balad Lamiea; the shinning country
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Dahm. It is equal to the Dollar in our world. The oldest currency, used as reference for others. It exists in the form of copper coins, ranging from 1 Dahm coins to big, 20 dahm coins.
Major Exports
Nahamira is so rich thanks to it's export, everything produced in the country floats away to Gaisgaich and soo Eldjfall.
Major Imports
Wood and cereal is most certainly the main products importen in Nahamira.
Legislative Body
The decisionnary, picked by the King and his advisors.
Judicial Body
The Guard and the army are two different bodies, and the Guard are the one who arrest outlaws.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items
Related Items
Related Ethnicities

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