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Maison von Bruner

Le Graf Steirlich administre sa province directement, bien qu'il ait de nombreux vassaux. Il part en chasse réguilèrement lui même, terrant les bêtes, badits traversant son territoire. Il s'interesse peu aux affaires politiques, délaissant ce domaine à sa mêre Kisaiya von Bruner et son neveu Heissman. Il a recemment donné en dot pour le mariage de sa nièce Ludmilla, qui va épouser Rickard Aschaffenberg, le Grunewald Lodge. Le quartier général de la famille von Bruner est le Palais Bruner. Avec ses 239 salles, c'est le plus grand batiment de la colline qui surplombe Übersreik. Là encore, c'est Dame Kisaiya qui dirige et élève ses trois petits-enfants: Andreas, Gutele et Boniel, les enfants de Steirlich.Andreas a recemment disparu lors d'un séjour au Grunewald Lodge, ce qui a alimenté les rumeurs existantes de conduites décadentes de la famille. Depuis, Dame Kisayia multiplie les dons au Culte de Sigmar pour essayer de sauver la face et améliorer leur réputation. Heinrich le frère et héritier de Steirlich fait de nombreux allers retours entre le palais et Altdorf où il exerce le rôle de magistrat.     Graf Steirlich administers his province directly, although he has numerous vassals. He hunted regularly himself, keeping beasts and badits within his territory. He took little interest in political affairs, leaving this to his mother Kisaiya von Bruner and his nephew Heissman. He had recently given Grunewald Lodge as a dowry for the marriage of his niece Ludmilla, who was to marry Rickard Aschaffenberg. The headquarters of the von Bruner family is the Palais Bruner. With its 239 rooms, it is the largest building on the hill overlooking Übersreik. Here too, Lady Kisaiya is in charge of her three grandchildren: Andreas, Gutele and Boniel, the Steirlich children, recently disappeared during a stay at Grunewald Lodge, fuelling rumours of decadent behaviour within the family. Since then, Dame Kisayia has increased her donations to the Sigmar cult in an attempt to keep up appearances. Heinrich, Steirlich's brother and heir, travels back and forth between the palace and Altdorf, where he works as a magistrate.


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