Argor Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Prince of Passion, The Great Survivor)


Argor is the Fragment of Passion, Suffering, Survival and Conflict. He is part of the The First Five and often in conflict with Sicere. He is widely worshipped, but especially so by the nomadic Orcs living on the Eastern Steppes.   Argor sees beauty in the struggle of the mortal races for survival. Those who attempt to persevere through the harshest of conditions or the most difficult of circumstances pique his interest, while those who give up in the face of adversity are worthless specks of dust to him. His faith teaches that passion is one of the most important qualities a person can have, whether it is a passion for art, combat or sailing does not matter. Throwing away everything to pursue your true passion is not recklessness, but the only sensible decision. After all, life is fleeting and ignoring your most heartfelt desires would be nothing but utter foolishness. War is one of the more controversial subjects in Argor's faith. While he does not promote senseless bloodshed, the struggle for survival that is ever-present in war is considered admirable in Argor's faith.   In legends told by His faith, the greatest heroes are those who spurned the expectations of others or society to follow their heart, even if it resulted in tragedy. Because in the end, everyone dies, no one gets out, so you might as well go out struggling for what you believe in and want in life. Living life in an authentic manner, means to follow your heart no matter the consequences, no matter the struggle. In fact, that struggle only makes it more authentic. A struggle should not be considered to be a bad thing, but rather an opportunity to overcome something that will shape you into something better than you were.  


His priests are often travelers and they spread his teachings wherever they go. They prefer to move through regions with harsher climates and long dangerous journeys are common practice for them. Many of their rituals use blood to paint intricate patterns on their faces and bodies to represent the sacrifices that are made in the pursuit of passion and that passion is the lifeblood of mortals.   Paladins of Argor can be many things, but in nearly all cases they actively seek out places where conflict and struggle take place and they support the side that they believe to be right. For this reason they are often confused with mercenaries, but nothing could be less true. Because no matter the amount, gold won't sway them, and to fight against them is to endure a tireless wave of steel and faith.


The Khalag often depict him as a hulking Orc man wearing hides of a variety of animals and wielding a shepherd's crook. His body is usually covered in intricate tribal patterns painted with blood. The Buyantu on the other hand depict him as either a human or a goliath in battered armor, wielding a giant battleaxe.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Passion, Survival, Conflict   Domains (5E): War, Tempest
Circumstances of Birth
The Origination

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