Chaos Wastes Geographic Location in Levantis | World Anvil
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Chaos Wastes


At the origin of the cosmos, the Chaos scoured the land and birthed the Inner Plane known as the Chaos Wastes that cradles the world, often mistakenly called the Elemental Planes. Here reign the four primary elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Originally they all mixed violently, but eventually the Gods decided to separate the plane in four different areas in hopes of tempering the violent nature of the place. It worked...somewhat. Things are more stable than they used to be and within the different areas communities and cities have arisen. But they are places of raw, unfiltered power that display the extremes of their respective elements, now without another element to hinder them. Due to their size and the difficulty in traversing them, they have not been fully mapped and they are often assumed to be separate planes, but this is actually incorrect. It is all part of a single, hemispherical plane where the different elemental 'planes' are connected through border areas that represent the mixture of their respective elements. These are extraordinary landmarks even compared to the usual sights, such as the Reef of Mists (Water and Fire), or the Smoking Canyons (Air and Fire).  

Sambansur, City of Elements

At the quadripoint where the four elemental 'planes' would meet (were it not for the border areas), lies an area of calm, the city of Sambansur. It is considered neutral ground, and even the Elemental Princes cannot truly interfere here. Here those who did not manage to fit into their own element can find a home. It is also an important hub for planar travel and one of the few truly safe stops for those who do so. The place is ran and kept in check by Lampurwaka, the Primordial Chaos, and the Progenitor of the Mindflayers.   In the center of the city lies the Council Room and in the center of that building, in a room with no doors, stands a table that holds twelve crystalline orbs. Each of these can be used by its respective Elemental Prince to project themselves and their voice through. In times of extreme crises, when the fate of the plane is at risk, the twelve Elemental Princes gather here to put aside their differences and consider a solution. Only Lampurwaka himself is allowed to enter this area, and anyone else who tries to cross through the walls would find themselves quickly solidified, resulting in a gruesome death.      

Sansing, the Arid Wilds

(Also called: Elemental Plane of Fire)

Calling this place hot would be an incredible understatement. Even all but the highest ranking of devils find the temperature in this area uncomfortable at the least, and deadly in the worst case. On top of that, the atmosphere is filled with smoke and thus highly toxic to nearly all life forms. It is the only one of the elemental 'planes' where gravity works perfectly fine with no real exceptions, although the ground was just as often made of densely packed elemental fire as it was solid (or molten) earth. It is strangely reminiscent of a large swamp, just incomprehensibly much hotter and more lethal. It is simultaneously the most dangerous and the most visually stunning of the planes with conflagrations in all shapes and colors. Unfortunately visibility is also severely reduced due to the constant acrid smoke that overlays it all. Only a few smaller cities or outposts are magically protected from the heat and smoke, making it survivable for those not born from elemental fire.    

Guhasaja, the Endless Burrows

(Also called: Elemental Plane of Earth)

The elemental 'plane' of earth is akin to a never-ending, underground cavern system. But the rocky surface is riddled with enormous fissures and tunnels created by the inhabitants who bend earth to their will as easily as they breathe (except most of them do not require to breathe, but if they did it would be just as easy). While we associate rock and earth with stability and being unchanging, but that is far from the truth for this place. The tectonic plates are constantly moving at an accelerated rate, partly due to the fact that plates are living beings here. This causes constant reactions from small tremors, to earthquakes or entire upheavals. Living in this place requires that you can either move through earth without being crushed or a high degree of adaptability. For this reason there are nearly no cities or other permanent holdings in this area. The mining operations that do exists are as a rule assumed to be temporary. That is not to say that they aren't worthwhile. Quite the opposite actually, for every type of rock, soil or mineral can be found here and in large quantities too. There are even luminescent crystals that are unique to this place and that can be used to channel psionic energies.    

Maga Dagat, the Silver-Light Sea

(Also called: Elemental Plane of Water)

A strange and surreal place, the elemental water is filled with bio-luminescent algae that illuminates this near endless ocean. At a glance this may seem like the least dangerous of the elemental 'planes' if you can bypass the drowning issue, but it is also home to the largest concentration of ambush predators. Beyond that there is also the crushing pressures as you go deeper and deeper, and the 'weather' that consists of tides, whirlpools and underwater rapids. Currents vary in strength, but the worst can pull even Krakens along. If you can survive in this environment however, you can find beautiful coral forests and reefs. The cities found at the bottom embody the aspect of light that suffuses this 'plane'. They are works of art in themselves, crafted from corals and shells and other natural materials. The City of Pearls is the most famous of these. The Mermen, Sea Elves and Tritons that live in these cities are different from those on the Prime Plane. They are immortal while they remain here, not too different from elementals, and their skin is slightly more eel-like. They pursue art as the highest calling and one that should be displayed openly on their streets, their walls, their houses and their bodies.  

Langnaïk, Skylift

(Also called: Elemental Plane of Air)

As the name would suggest, this area is filled with air. It moves around and twists in unpredictable directions but it mostly directs upward, lifting up islands, sending waterfalls in the wrong direction and creating air-borne whirlpools. Most of the more solid matter found in this plane is actually not from here, instead having been brought in by intelligent inhabitants of the plane to set up a place for themselves to live and to rest when they tire of flying around. Most of the inhabitants here are too carefree or distracted to be a real threat, with some exceptions such as Belkers. The main hazard of this area is the weather which is highly unpredictable and can change from a gentle breeze to a lightning-filled hurricane at the drop of a hat.
Inhabiting Species

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