Magma Bear Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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Magma Bear


Magma bears are elementals tied to the Plane of Fire. Their forms are somewhere in between solid rock and liquid magma that is held together by their will. A magma bear who dies simply falls apart into its constituent parts.   Magma bears are almost exclusively found in or around volcanoes such as Mount Cinaro, where they can live in relative peace. Most living creatures would shy away from the dangers of a volcano, but the magma bear is not bothered by the heat at all. It can walk through lava streams with no issue and often bathes in them.   Since Cinarus is often depicted as a large elemental bear of fire, the magma bears are often seen as his holy creatures. Cultures like that of the Cinaran Hounds treat the magma bears with reverence and protect them from any outside threat.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

Like all elementals, the magma bears are considered intelligent but they are wild creatures. They aggressively defend their territory, and they only see see service as bound guardians, never willingly. They are very protective of their young, hiding them under streams of molten lava where they cannot be seen if they notice other creatures approaching. They are generally smart enough to back off from a fight they cannot win, but if their young are endangered they will fight to the last.  


by Monster-a-Day and Dieter Miller
Geographic Distribution

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