Frostforged Wyrm Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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Frostforged Wyrm


True Dragons are alpha predators usually. Usually. Sometimes they are caught by other powerful creatures, perhaps at a young age, or perhaps they were careless. Either way, a dragon makes for a powerful tool. The frostforged wyrm is a stellar example of the cruelty that evil creatures can inflict on others in an attempt to bind them to it. Armor plates are nailed into the dragon's tough scales, with powerful enchantments that cause it to remain bound to them. These plates also grant an extra level of physical protection to the dragon, but at the cost of its movement and excruciating pain. The latter is intended, as the constant pain and torture weakens the dragon's mind, making it more docile for fear of further torture.   These are a rare sight, and only creatures that are both cruel, powerful, large and magical could realistically achieve this. Most commonly these would be very powerful demons, likely Archdemons even. The other would be large communes of giants. The jégorian giants are known to have done this in the past.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

The reason that white dragons in particular are by far the most common victim of this treatment, is their limited, almost animal-like intelligence that means they are more likely to be affected. On top of that, the frostforged are a tortured existence whose mind has been thoroughly broken allowing for little except feelings of despair, hate and bloodlust. A freed frostforged is as likely to turn on its benefactors as it is to aid them. If one could free and subsequently pacify them however, they could prove to be incredibly stalwart allies that are eternally grateful for their new-found freedom.  


(This is based on my re-write of dragons. For a more standard design, apply the Spikes of Pain and Bound in Enchantments abilities, and turn Pain Frenzy into a 3-cost Legendary Action.)

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