True Dragons Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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True Dragons


When the Gods fought the Elder Titans, chaotic energies ran rampant and the flesh and blood they shed fell onto the earth. From this the Dragons were born, displaying the full range of elements and emotions among them, but each only exemplifying a certain aspect in particular and in its most extreme. Red dragons for example are masters of the element of fire and they display arrogance in its purest form, with unshakeable confidence and the belief that all other dragons are inferior to them in every way.   Dragons are powerful and magical creatures with an exceptionally long lifespan, and they continue growing for all of it. Their elemental nature allows them to digest nearly everything, and so they are omnivores in the truest sense of the word. They become stronger as they grow older and they have exceptional magical abilities, usually tied to their respective element. The combination of incredible intellect, long lifespans, innate flight and magical abilities makes them terrifying foes and few who have ever fought one lived to tell the tale. Those who did were rarely able to finish the dragon off too, because they prefer to run and live rather than die, using their long lifespan to gain revenge when it best suits them.  

Draconic Dominions

With their intellect and power, it should come as no surprise that the dragons saw themselves and natural rulers and established dominance over the other species of Levantis. Unfortunately for them, being birthed from the conflict with the Titans meant that some of the Gods resented them. They blessed mortals with abilities that allowed them to hunt and take down the dragons, freeing themselves from their control. The more clever dragons quickly noticed the tide turning against them and fled, living more carefully. Over time the Gods gave up on their grudge, realizing that the dragons are not at fault for the circumstances of their birth. Still, the dragons remain careful, not trying to rule too much territory, lest they draw attention to themselves.
— Depicted: The ancient green dragon Tellaphrenos of Antara.
Up to 2000 years.
Average Weight
Strongly varies depending on type and age.
Average Length
They can grow up to 30 meters in length when they reach the stage of Great Wyrm, but before then it heavily depends on their age.

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