Goblins and Bugbears Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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Goblins and Bugbears


Goblins are small, humanoid-like Fae of the Godless. They are mostly feral, and what intelligence they have is distinctly malevolent. But they are also capricious and thus can be easily distracted or bribed. That being said, they are elusive and nimble tricksters that delight in knocking everyone else down a peg. They will lie, steal and cheat to get whatever they want, and in groups will even raid villages or waylay travelers. Like most Fae they have an alien sense of morality and most of them do not even see any of this as morally wrong. It is simply what they are and acting against those instincts would feel wrong to them. There is however the occasional exception this, and a handful of Goblin heroes have appeared throughout the centuries.   They are far from intelligent, but they are innately cunning and are capable of planning and coordinating, as long as their trust holds at least. They primarily haunt frontier lands or other less-inhabited regions, where military presence is weak. They are individually weak, but tend to work in numbers and make excellent use of traps, ambush tactics and other trickery. Despite being Fae, only a few display magical talent, the Booyaghs. Their magic is as unpredictable as their nature, and will often result in enormous misfires that are as likely to benefit the Booyagh as their enemies. Despite how often they tend to blow up their allies, their strength makes them natural leaders within Goblin tribes. If ever there are multiple Booyaghs together, their magic tends to bounce off each other, multiplying in power.   They can be found in most countries, but they are particularly plentiful in the Duwalan Forest and are also found at the edges of the neighboring region of Middenland. There is also a significant population of them in the Azcal Forest in Sabara.  


Bugbears appear somewhat similar to Goblins, but they are much taller and only slightly less malevolent. They are lore-keepers who store knowledge in severed, shriveled heads of their victims through a secret ritual, so they do not overload their own brains. They keep track of the fluxes of magic in the Faewylde and how these shape the secret routes through the realm. They are excellent guides, but to hire one is difficult, as they will only trade for knowledge and may just decide that the best way to retain that knowledge is to take your head. Most can tap into nature's power to perform basic magical feats and their physical strength is nothing to scoff at. They are often attended by the smaller Goblins, who deal with all the nastier little tasks that they don't want to deal with.

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