Duwalan Forest Geographic Location in Levantis | World Anvil
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Duwalan Forest


Duwalan Forest is a region directly to the west of Middenland that has a strong connection to the Faewylde. While it is named as if it is one forest, it is actually closer to two separate forests that are mostly separated by a mountain chain between them. There are however many mountain passes which makes crossing over from one side to the other quite easy. The forests are mostly inhabited by Fae and the elves also known as the Faeborn, although there are other species living within the elven villages as well.  

Felurian Woods

The northern half of the Duwalan Forest is also referred to as the Felurian Woods, and those living there as the Felur. In the northwest the river Salavan flows in from the sea, inundating the woods with a constant supply of salt water. As such a large part of the area is effectively a saltwater swamp. Felurian is also a region that by and large consists of thick, gloomy pine woods. The extensive foliage lets through little light and the landscape is relatively flat.   The presence of the Salavan river and the saltwater marsh around it naturally gives rise to water-based wildlife, some of which is quite dangerous such as giant crocodiles. The Fae in this region also mimic their environment, they are generally grey and dark colored and shadows twist around them. They also affect their environment and many of the Felurian villages are gloomy places with despondent citizens.  

Rydonian Hills

The southern half of the Duwalan Forest is a hilly region known as the Rydonian Hills and its inhabitants are sometimes referred to as Rydoni. Here the forest opens up quite a bit and the foliage is not nearly as thick, letting through plenty of light. There are also many small lakes and freshwater rivers here as well as a large variety of colorful plant life. One such body of water is Loch Yshryd, which connects to the sea via a small stream. This glacial lake has a strong connection to the region of Elemental Water from the Chaos Wastes, and Nereids often cross over from one to the other. At the bottom of the lake rests the ruins of a sunken, old temple dedicated to Ikot, First of the Nereids. It is inhabited by an old Water Nymph who was there when Ikot and the other Primogens formed the Elemental Triumvirates. She is a benevolent and curious creature who is revered by the Faeborn of the surrounding area, but she has come to dislike their mania and wishes to entertain other visitors.

As a result of the plentiful lakes and rivers there is a variety of wildlife here, although they tend to be picky about which plants they eat. A large amount of the plant life in the Rydonian Hills is toxic after all, but the species that live here have often adapted to be able to eat at least some of the plants that grow here. Many subterranean species also make their burrows in the hills here, usually near a spot where there are plenty of the mushrooms that grow within these caves and wet clay surfaces. The bright colors and frequent sun exposure gives the region a joyful image and the Fae here also seem more active and interested in their surroundings. Make no mistake however, their mindset is still as alien as ever and they are highly dangerous if provoked. This mindset spreads to the Rydoni inhabitants who tend to be exuberant and joyful, but theirs is a joy of madness and they can be highly fanatical in both ideas and actions. One should be wary of a Rydoni unless they share their near suicidal attitudes.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)

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