Jungle Titan Species in Levantis | World Anvil
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Jungle Titan


Jungle Titans are large primate-like creatures that can grow up to 18 feet in size. They often use tree trunks or rocks that are lying around as improvised weapons, resorting to its hands and tusks if it can't find any. They can be found in swampy or marshy areas in the Lu'qua Tropics, especially around the Zephyran Forests. They often protect old groves or hallowed grounds where they burrow into the ground or sink into the swamp, only rising when prey or other intruders pass by. As a consequence of consistently disguising itself like this, some vegetation has grown on its back in between the craggy rocks that serve as protection.  

Antaran Variant

These can be found in the jungles of the Antara as well, but there they have changed. The corruption of the island has significantly affected them as they have mutated both in form and mind. They display morphological traits similar to aberrations and they are much more aggressive, viciously attacking any who come near them or their perceived territory.  

Intelligence and Social Behavior

Jungle Titans are solitary creatures by nature, although they do not seem to resent each other in any way. Intraspecies conflict between them is entirely unheard of for that matter. They prefer the silence of their natural environment and to commune with some of the lesser animals, however when someone harms that environment they will lash out with excessive force. They do not care for the rules of others and will indiscriminately attack anyone who they think harmed the nature in their lands, regardless of station or apparent strength.  


The Jungle Titans do not speak the Common tongue, but they can communicate with other animals and know the ancient elemental and fey languages. Those who make frequent contact with druidic circles might even pick up their druidic language. As long as someone does not harm the natural world and does not treat on hallowed ground, they will not show any harmful intent either. They have even been known to help those who protect the natural world in some cases. They are also accepting of species like Myconids or Vegepygmys, seeing them as a natural progression.  


by nclong
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by nclong


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