Vorkhul {Orcs} Ethnicity in Levantis | World Anvil
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Vorkhul {Orcs}


The Vorkhul are a shamanistic people of Orcs who mostly live in the Mangrove Coast. As another subspecies of Orcs they are likely related to the Khalag in some way, although it isn't known when or where the two different races split off. Their physiology is similar to that of other Orcs, although their skin tends to be more blueish in color due to chronic silver dust intake. While they are of similar descent as the Khalag, they are vastly different in culture. Unlike the Khalag, the Vorkhul are not nomadic and not nearly as adept at taming and riding animals.  


The Vorkhul form tribal societies that are fiercely territorial, the largest of which are the Boneclaw Tribe, the Stoneseekers and the Silver Tusk Tribe. These larger tribes tend to lord over the weaker tribes in their region, or sometimes even assimilate them. There are both forest and village tribes. The forest tribes build huts under the canopy and live in small bands of up to 50 people. The forest people live relatively simple lives, the women do most of the gathering and hunting of ground-dwelling creatures, while the men specialize in the hunting of arboreal creatures using spears, bows and netting. The village tribes live in settled villages near rivers or near the coastline. They survive by growing vegetables and fruits, as well as hunting and fishing using plant-based poisons to paralyze the fish. Certain tribes specialize in the mining of the plentiful silver veins found in the area. The forest tribes often live near a village and exclusively trade with a village tribe of their choosing.   There is a prevalent belief among the Vorkhul tribes of the region that souls can be consumed and shared. They believe that when someone is eaten, their soul is split among those who eat them and becomes part of them, while the spirit moves on. For this reason, they consider eating someone a sign of respect as it is a sign that they want the person they eat to stay with them. For each person they eat, they also add a mark to their body through scarification.  


Despite the existence of the Gods being generally accepted in the world, the Vorkhul believe them to be overstated and do not worship them as all-powerful beings. Instead they employ a mixture of shamanism, spirit veneration and ancestor worship. It revolves around the ritual celebration of deified ancestors and tutelary deities representing the tribes. These ancestors and spirit deities are considered to still belong to this world as they did in live and are not seen as supernatural celestials. This veneration of ancestors is seen as a way of connecting with the afterlife. The majority of rituals revolve around funeral rites, continued obeisance and beseeching the ancestors for wisdom.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Valimai, Penel, Vettai, Irai, Dassine, Kana, Tamat, Sada, Tamilla, Laysa, etc.

Masculine names

Nkal, Viti, Múta, Pujai, Hama, Ansar, Kenan, Louki, Rezkou, Akrud, Ghanim, Adum, etc.

Family names

Põrkil, Karap, Taiyar, Vallipatük, Tetum, Capussa, Alyamas, Kahina, Aghiles, etc.

Major organizations

The Boneclaw Tribe: This is the largest tribe in terms of population and they are known warmongers who hold significant power in the western part of the Mangrove Coast.
The Silver Tusk Tribe: While not as large as the Boneclaws, their territories include plenty of silver mines, making them easily the richest tribe.
The Stoneseekers: This tribe is lead by a coven of shamans that holds significant sway over the Vorkhul through religious significance.
Related Locations

Soul versus Spirit

  One concept that is difficult for foreigners to wrap their head around, is the difference between the soul and the spirit in Vorkhul culture. Simply put, the soul is the memory and knowledge of the individual. It is shaped by their experiences during life and is the part that is prone to corruption. The spirit is the being or the astral body of an individual that contains their individuality and personality, pure and unsullied. When one's soul is consumed by the living, their pure spirit moves on to the afterlife. However when the soul is not consumed, and if it is corrupted in any way, the spirit is burdened by the corrupted soul and cannot move on. This is how ghosts and specters come into being according to the Vorkhul.

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