The Beast

A massive Owlbear. Easily 25 feet tall in the shoulder with claws big enough to rend a bull in half with a single blow. Attacked the city of Talons Rest in the early early hours of the 28th of Arodus, 4711 AR. The Beast did a great deal of damage shattering the southern wall and smashing through much of the military district. Dozens of people were slain, most notably the High Priest of Libris Jhod Kavken, and others such as Warden Kesten Garress who lost an arm and Ash'ur whose legs where shattered when he was thrown from the collapsing watch tower.   The beast was driven off, injured mostly by Jhod Kavken's magic, and was later hunted down by the Rogue Talons. Lady Ana personally led the expedition to The Beast's lair and slew the creature.   With The Beast slain a great relief was felt within the Queendom but there were troubling implications in the attack. Most notably that the lair of the beast held the remains of slain men who presumably were responsible for the thick armor that protected The Beast. And the map one of them, identified by his unusual armor of foreign manufacture, carried that showed the location of The Beast's den and markings indicating an attack led from the lair to the city of Talons Rest.   One of The Beast's offspring was captured alive, weak from hunger, by General Kalgon di Iomedae, who returned with the owlet cub and placed it in the care of Ash'ur.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Rogue Talons
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Thick feathers, as long as a mans leg, cover much of The Beast with fur covering the rest.
25' high in the shoulder