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Approaching Candlekeep


Situated on the coast of the Sea of Swords, at the end of a road dubbed The Way of the Lion that branches off the Coast Way to the east. The enormous double gates, roughly 20 feet in height and wrought of a stern black metal, are overseen by five priests of Deneir dressed in purple, members of the Avowed. Typically, seekers will present a new item for the library's collection, but in the case of our party, they will be recognized and granted entrance following their initial introduction by Moxie.


Cast of Characters

  • Teles Ahvoste: Great Reader and patron of the Agents of Candlekeep, expert on magic items, curses, the Weave
  • Sylvira Savikas: Great Reader, expert on the Great Wheel of the planes
  • V'ziir-Ag: Great Reader, expert on all things unnatural (including aberrations, undead, and the Far Realm)
  • Kazryn Nyantani: Great Reader, expert on the natural world and celestial navigation
  • Fembris Larlancer: Avowed Adjutant, the guide that typically deals with the party during their visits
  • Moxie Rockets: tabaxi agent of Candlekeep, employed by Teles and tasked with recruiting and being the handler for the party. He has considerable business savvy from years of operating as a merchant out of Port Nyanzaru, the mercantile centre on the northern coast of Chult. This also makes him ideal for running the business operations that make the party self-sustaining and not a drain on Candlekeep's resources.
  • Mikael Tysahn: tabaxi barbarian, friend to Moxie Rockets. Serves as the hired muscle when Moxie is out wheeling and dealing, or pursuing less savoury ends.

Orders of Accordance

  • No fighting
  • No stealing
  • No copying - must pay at the House of the Binder for transcription
  • No damaging, marking, or otherwise modifying the works

Relevant Deities

  • Sune: beauty, passion, delights of the senses. Create beautiful art, hedonists, believes in romance, pride in personal appearance.
  • Deneir: literature and literacy, right hand of Oghma. Believes in recording all knowledge, artists and scribes.
  • Oghma: inspiration, invention, knowledge; The idea, spread knowledge and literacy
  • Milil: poetry, eloquence, and song. Creativity and inspiration
  • Gond: artifice, craft, and construction. Revered by blacksmiths, woodworkers, engineers, and inventors



  • Magic Restriction: can only enter through the front gates, no magical entrance is possible
  • Fire Suppression: no flame larger than a candle can be lit, aside from in the tavern's hearth
  • Theft Protection: every work in the collection will disappear and return to Candlekeep if removed
  • Shielding Mythal: prevents anything but air and water from passing through when activated

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