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The Nine Thumbs

While the group still dabbles in pickpocketing, it's more or less a hobby among the traditionalists - the real money is in racketeering.
— Beregost - The Nine Thumbs (AL Wiki)

The Nine Thumbs fills the role of the obligatory thieves' guild in Beregost.


Originally founded by five, less-than-scrupulous residents of Beregost (one of which was missing a thumb), what started as a group of pickpockets that preyed on unwary travelers has turned into a small, but quite lucrative ring of thieves and confidence tricksters.
— Beregost - The Nine Thumbs (AL Wiki)

In the present day, there are now nine members of the Thumbs that serve as Fingers. The Fingers manage the routine operations of the organization at the behest of their leader. They meet once a month to review the schedule of arriving merchants and to determine which ones would make good targets. Unusual business is also addressed. Most recently, this includes threats of encroachment from the Guild of Baldur's Gate, led by Karras' nemesis, Mela.


While the Nine Thumbs still counts many skilled thieves of all sorts amongst its membership, they've also welcomed plenty of hired muscle into the organization. The latter group handles the roles of "adventurers" and "bandits" in their protection schemes. There remains enthusiasm for the traditional roguish arts, but the vast majority of the Thumbs' efforts are targeted against merchants passing through Beregost, rather than on its residents.

Founding Date
1468 DR
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Thumbs
Notable Members


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