Fire Protection Engineering

A body of knowledge used to prevent and to combat fires.

Our relationship with fire has always been complex. On one hand, it keeps us warm in the winter and turns ingredients into meals. On the other, it burns our skin and chokes our lungs. It must be treated with respect. Remember, we may utilize fire but we will never be its master.
Wysix Fire Safety Manual

A Long History

Since before the people of the skies learned to tame fire, they learned to fear it and stay safe from it. After they learned to create it, they began burning things down - mostly unintentionally. Now, the people of Breharan, led by the firefighters of Wysix, work to prevent death and injury from it. The easiest way is by preventing uncontrolled fire from starting.


The scope of fire protection engineering is wide and touches on many subjects. Education is the most effective way to prevent man-made fires from starting or getting out of control, engineering can help stymie fires started in homes, and good old physicality can put out some fires before they get out of control.   Fire breaks are used when possible to combat wildfires, however, due to the windy nature of Breharan, these are not always a capable defense. Instead, brush in wild spaces near towns is cleared and burned intentionally before it can contribute to uncontrolled fires.


Going face to face with a fire is difficult for everyone, it is always a life-or-death situation, and often the best solution after a fire is out of control is for everyone to flee to let the fire run its course. When that is not an option, it is possible to combat fires with water, sand, and other substances. The difficulty is getting them to the fire fast enough to make a difference. Lines of people moving buckets can work but is far from effective, if people could just call rain on demand it would be so much easier. Some firefighters have used ketzlat to carry water through the air using large water-proof tarps and drop large amounts of water all at once, this has proved effective in many situations - where a suitable ketzlat, a rider, a tarp, and water were all available.

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The Ashland

While many people have now dedicated their lives to combatting fires, there are some fights that simply cannot be won and retreating to save as many lives as possible is the best choice. The people who once lived in Kramath know this. They were forced from their homes when the town fell victim to an uncontrollable blaze and the surrounding fields and forests were also caught in the fire.   Most survived and spread out throughout Wysix county, Grara, and beyond. One such person was Ronas Baran who would go on to create a book called Sketches of the Ashland which would find some of its drawings replicated and hung across the county.

Where There's Smoke

As the saying goes, detecting smoke is often the first way to detect a fire. In some towns they have constructed tall towers equipped with bells. One person at a time is assigned to the tower and has a job as simple as ringing the bell when they see unexpected smoke.
"Are we just supposed to sit here and watch it burn?"

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