Red Lung

The king-killer.

The red lung began rather quietly. First only a rumor from the distant mountainous regions of Bral. The horns of the Mountainfolk sounded the first deaths from the disease unknowningly heralding the coming years of fear and blood and death.
— Donzai, The Red Lung: A History

It Begins

The disease came down from the mountains with Mountainfolk traders seeking to trade their goods for flour and other goods not produced on the mountains. This was discovered only later and during the crisis it was believed to have originated in Grara.   The first doctor to treat a case of red lung was Doran Feildon. This anonymous patient suffered first from a high fever and muscle weakness followed by difficulty breathing and coughing up blood. The patient died and the post-mortem examination gave the disease its name. Feildon's conclusion was that the patient drowned as lacerations on the interior of the lungs caused blood to pool within.

The Death of Peace

Emperor Sugaar Dodai was a strong but peaceful leader. The disease managed to make its way to the Sovereign's Isle and infect many there. Sugaar was one of the first to be infected in the Imperial Palace. The red lung claimed his life in his 51st year making way for his son Bolkhar to take the throne.   During the pandemic, Bolkhar shut down all trade with Grara - a relationship his father had worked hard to build - under the assumption that the disease must have been brought into Bral by trade as the first cities to succumb to the plague were close to the border. This action inadvertantly spared Grara from the red lung almost entirely but also destroyed the few ties between the nations which would eventually lead to Bolkhar's war against Grara which would last for the remainder of his life.

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In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Two Years of Blood

The red lung first appeared in late autumn of the eighth year of the Time of Exploration and ran its course - ravaging the population of Bral - for almost two years, having fully run its course by early summer of the tenth year.   Many lives were lost and the agricultural, economic, and defensive capabilities of the nation were severely depleted. Those who survived the disease seemed to be unable to contract it a second time but many of them would have trouble breathing for the remained of their lives. Only by the time of the Imperial Infrastructure Initiative would this be meaningfully addressed.

Ten Years of War

While most people were content to lick their wounds and try to return to their lives, the new Emperor, Bolkhar Dodai, began conscripting people into the military. He sought to take the resources they needed from Grara and began a war that would last for over a decade; another ten years of blood.

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