Cursed Waste

The land known as the Cursed Waste was once a beautiful land of well watered plains, mountain valleys, snowcapped peaks, and one of the best coastlines on the continent. Sadly, near the beginning of the The Traitor's War, a terrible series of events resulted in the utter destruction of this beautiful land, rendering it a place of death, evil, and horror ever since.


The land known as the Cursed Waste began as the homeland of the Drakhul'Knaar, an ancient people composed primarily of Dragonborn and Aasimar who originally settled in a city among the mountains near the center of the land. The Sandwall Mountains to the east captured clouds from the ocean, producing a great many small rivers throughout the land. The broad coastal plains, and the central valley between the coastal mountains and the Sandwall Mountains both became fertile farmlands and grazing lands for cattle, horses, oxen, and all other manner of domestic herds. The mountain valleys produced some of the finest sheep and goats in the continent, and Drakhul Cashmere was a highly sought luxury. The trade between Drakhul'Knarr and the elven empire to the south was friendly and extensive. Both empires were content with their lands and pleased with their peaceful neighbor, finding great value in maintaining that peaceful trade. For untold centuries this peace and prosperity reigned, until terror descended upon the world with the rise of the Lich King Lachendon, and the War of Undying.


The War of Undying mostly passed by this gentle land; some few battles were fought around the edges, particularly to the south, but as the Dragonborn and Aasimar were resistant to the magic of Unlife, there was little value in Lachendon's hordes conquering this land until after his most hated enemies, the elves, were eradicated fully. That is not to say that the Drakhul'Knarr did not participate in the war; their entire army and every able bodied volunteer available rushed north to join the forces of The Dying, as the living called themselves. It was simply that their meagre homeland defenders were able to retreat to a hidden mountain valley and keep their people mostly intact to the end of the war. It was after the Age of Reconstruction and the @king when the destruction came. The jealosy of other lands, the evil of a corrupt king, and the chaos begun with Betrayal Of The Blood which launched the The Traitor's War was the source of this land's destruction. When the Kirianesti, the people of the Kingdoms of the Sands, began to flood into their land, and eventually outnumbered the original peoples, they began to persecute and hunt the Drakhul'Knarr. The newly crowned second Smoke King supported them, as he wished to conquer his neighbor as a source of resources and power in the wars with his cousins. He also answered to the voice of The Corruption, always urging destruction and Unlife.

Current State

In the end, a terrible necromantic curse was thrown upon the capital of the Drakhul'Knarr, and due to unexpected events, that curse ran wild, destroying the entire land, the armies of the Smoke King, all living things, and the land itself. All that remains, to this day, is a cursed, shattered, blasted, lifeless haunt for the dead and the unliving, and what few monstrosities or aberrations can tolerate the evil there.



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