Kingdoms of the Sands

This vast region, even larger than the Lachendon Empire, is filled with hundreds or even thousands of small kingdoms. The entire region is a vast desert, and the political borders shift almost as often as the sands. The culture of the region is tribal and places great value on success in battle against neighboring tribes. Slavery is widely accepted and it is common to take the women and children of conquered tribes as slaves. The constant warfare and raids, coupled with the limitations of a desert environment, keeps the population relatively low and prevents any of the kingdoms from mounting a serious threat to the Lachendon Empire. The one additional major item of note is the adjacent region along the shore of the Calimarin Ocean. This thousand-mile wide swath of utter wasteland is called the [Cursed Waste], and filled with terrible monstrosities and many evil hordes. It exists due to a terrible event, now lost to history, and subsequent curse that occurred thousands of years ago. The Accursed Sea is south of the Cursed Waste, and is filled with all manner of dangerous sea creatures, as well as unpredictable currents, sudden devastating storms, and many other dangers. The dangerous nature of the waste and the Accursed Sea has led to the development of a caravan route running a couple thousand miles through the Anaguana Desert to the northwest of the kingdoms in order to traffic goods and slaves from the Calimarin Ocean to the kingdoms. There are occasional efforts to create a shorter caravan route across the Dragon Tail Isthmus from the Gulf of Lost Shades, but every mapping expedition thus far has disappeared into the jungles.

Geopolitical, Empire


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