Kingdom Period

Long after the end of the War of Undying, after The Lost Times the shattered remnants of civilization slowly, and in fits and starts, began to rebuild. It took a long time, and records were not well kept, so nobody knows just how long, but eventually the core of a rebirth began in the region east of the final battle sites. The eight Genasi First Ones, nigh immortal, each gathered a portion of the surviving living ones and founded a kingdom. In time those kingdoms migrated and grew and began to occupy much of what is now the Lachendon Empire. Sometime around 8,500 BE, they began to keep reliable records again and what is now called the Kingdom Period began. For over 3 millennia those 8 kingdoms, with help from the Drakhul'Knaar, served as a cradle for civilization reborn, and during this time people re-established trade with the survivors in the Kingdoms of the Sands, re-connected with survivors in Xialinmei, Agrathet, and Linibi, and tried to contact surviors in Giza Ardhi and Kzatrineczt, but did not find any signs of the living on either of those continents.

The Kingdom Period ended abruptly (again, the year is uncertain) when the Traitor arose and slew all of the Genasi First Ones. This began the period known as the The Traitor's War, when the kingdoms shattered and fought innumerable conflicts as each successor king tried to conquer all of the others.


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